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How to Overcome Insecurities

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: How to Overcome Insecurities


How to Overcome Insecurities


Everybody has at least one. Most people have more than one. 

In the Webster’s Dictionary Online insecure is defined as 

1: not confident or sure: uncertain; feeling somewhat insecure of his reception; 2: not adequately guarded or sustained: unsafe; an insecure investment; 3: not firmly fastened or fixed: shaky;the hinge is loose and insecure; 4 a: not highly stable or well-adjusted;an insecure marriage; b: deficient in assurance: beset by fear and anxiety; always felt insecure in a group of strangers. 

How do we turn uncertain, unsafe, and shaky into certain, safe, and steady? First we have to realize where insecurity comes from. 

Insecurity comes from believing a lie

We have all been there. We have believed we aren't smart enough to go back to college or good enough for that promotion. Whether you believe a lie your parents told you all your life “you are not good enough” or a lie you tell yourself “nothing ever seems to work out for me” lies have power only as long as you believe them. Once you stop giving them fuel to rule your life, you can see them for what they are: chains. Shake them off. Jesus freed us from our chains nearly 2000 years ago. 

Insecurity comes from lack of faith. 

The disciples were freaking out. A storm was tossing them around and there Jesus was, oblivious because he slept. They had no faith that God would protect them, keep them and bring them to the other side of the storm. Jesus was annoyed his nap was interrupted. Nevertheless he speaks to the storm and there was peace. He admonished his crew for their lack of faith. After all, Jesus was in the boat! 

Insecurity comes from lack of understanding who we are in Christ. 

You are God’s creation but more than that, at salvation you become a son or daughter. Adopted into a royal blood line, you now are joint heirs with Jesus, who sits next to God. When we were sinners, Christ died for us. When we are redeemed (bought back) by God He adds value to us that was not there before. We become more than we ever were. We become filled with Jesus. Now we can do all things because Christ gives us strength and value we did not have before. 

What’s next? 

Next we have to develop our Automatic Truth Response. When we are confronted with feelings of inadequacy, doubt, lack of faith, or lies (quietly spoken ones or the ones that shout in our heads) we have to respond with the truth – the word of God- so that we can deflect the enemies attack, and grow in the confidence God designed us to have in Him. 

You have a call of God on your life. You are important to God; in fact, you are his most prized possession. He owns the cattle on 1000 hills; he knows every star and calls them by name. He knows how many hairs you have on your head, and He cares for you. So much so, that he gave his only Son for you. Really, why do you doubt God’s love? 

Growing in Security 

God’s got this! Whatever “this” is. 

There is nothing too big for Him to handle. There is nothing too small for Him to care about. Since we are the thing He cares most about, He is active in our lives. He wants you to be active too; actively pursuing Him. 

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added.” Matthew 6:33

What things? Your everyday, human concerns: those things. What to eat, where to live, what job to take, what school to send your kid to… all of these things God knows you have need of, because He cares for you. 

When we trust that God has our best interests at heart, that He makes our paths straight then what do we have to fear? What do we have to doubt? Why would we shake or feel uncertain or unsafe when the storms come? 

We can be secure in this: that God has a plan, that plan is centered on you and that plan is more than the sum of who you are alone: that plan needs God to make it happen! Trust Him to direct you and lean on Him when you are not enough.

BE certain of WHO you are: A child of God. BE steady in your faith, believe all things are possible. BE safe in the knowledge that God loves you and He has got you

One of my insecurities is centered on this blog. Do I have any business writing this, teaching, sharing, preaching here? Alone, the answer is no. With God, all things are possible

Join the Discussion and Comment Below: 
What is one of your insecurities? 

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