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Body Check

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: Body Check


Body Check

Today I feel like I should just take a minute and give you a closer glimpse into my life and what has been happening lately.

First I have to say I am so excited by all the wonderful things happening on this blog. I know I don’t get many comments, but just the site visits from the different nations, (which I have written about before) and the exposure happening with other sites picking up my stream, I “geek out”  quite a bit.

Secondly, things here at home have been extremely interesting. I have two wonderful daughters, both teens, and my youngest has given her life to the Lord this week, so now my whole family is serving God! This more than anything has made my year, and it is only February.

Things have been challenging as well. It always seems to be a mixed bag, this thing called life. (Of course it rains on the just and the unjust, right? – Matthew 5:45)  

One of those challenges is the on-going search for a job. As much as I wish writing this blog could be a permanent job for me, I am looking for a way to help the family and increase our household income. On average, I apply to about five jobs a day, but it is tough out there. Recently a local company wanted to fill 18 positions, so they had a job fair; 200 showed up. That gives you a small glimpse into the challenges of unemployment right now….  

Thankfully God is faithful, and He does not leave us without. He is sufficient and He does provide.  (1 Corinthians 1:9, Genesis 22:14) As we continue to trust and rely on Him, please lift us up in your prayers.

One of the other challenges for me is balancing my passions with my day to day life. Do you have that problem?  I get so invested in something that I shut myself away and throw myself into it so much that my family has to come into my room to remember what I look like.

It could be something as simple as a video game, social networking, or  yes, even this blog that I am "passionate" about at any given moment, but no matter the focus I always seem to struggle with balance.  

Luckily, I am reminded of Romans 12:1-2. We are supposed to take our everyday, walking around life and place it before God as an offering. When we do that, balance will follow. Aren't you glad Father knows best?  

So this is what is happening with me in this first month of 2012. 

Are you having any challenges you need to overcome? 

Need prayer about anything?

Finding it hard to balance your passions with the day to day? 

Maybe you have a wonderful testimony of God’s goodness you would like to share?

Leave a comment below and let us know what is going on with you.

We are one body, with many moving parts, (1 Corinthians 12:12) let’s do a body check….

Be blessed and be a blessing, and remember Present is an adjective! 

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