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Giving is Worship

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: Giving is Worship


Giving is Worship

People Just Don't Understand

I want to talk about giving. Have I lost half of you already? It is a touchy subject, but I believe it is because people often don’t understand the principle behind it. 

One of the reasons I started this blog is because I want to give more to other ministries than I have monetarily. I felt like I could give more, but knew that what I did have wasn’t a lot of money. I had an ability to write and a love of words. I had a background in journalism, a geeky fascination with the internet and a list of ministries that I would love to tell more people about because I believe in what they do, and how they do it. 

I believe this is one of the reasons that God gave me this idea, to give what I could: my time and talent. 

You see, giving isn’t just about money. Giving is about your time, your talent and your money. As a girl I grew up in a church program that taught me to be “a faithful steward of my time, money, and talent”. Here is that lesson I learned as a girl in action. 

Luke 6:38 says Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you. (ERV)

God uses men and women on earth to carry out His work. When I give, whether that is my time, talent, goods, service, or money, I am being used by God. Give and you shall receive. 

This is a spiritual law. 

The key to which is found in the second part of the verse, which focuses on the attitude of the giver. “The way you give”, some translations say “whatever measure you give”. 

I have always thought of this scripture like this: if I were romancing someone and I wanted them to return my affection, I would give them my time. I would share with them gifts; I may even buy them a thing or two. 

Romance God. 

When I give it is not to man, but to God. When I serve at church, I give to God. When I put money in an offering plate, I give to God. When I write a check to a family that is struggling because dad is out of work and the wife is battling cancer, I give to God. When I sing it is not so people are blessed, that is a by-product of my gift, it is a gift to God. I am in essence, romancing God. This is an expression of my love. 

But why do we give? Because giving is a form of worship. When God has done so much for us, it is a natural extension of our gratitude and love for Him to give. 

Luke 8:2-3 talks about some of the women that served Jesus while He ministered to the masses. “(They) ministered unto him of their substance.” What they had, their possessions, they gave to him. This was their worship. 

Do you worship God by giving? Do you give with a good attitude? Whether you have a little or a lot, 5 talents, 2 talents, or one talent (Matthew 25) give what you can, and let God take care of the rest. 

Remember, worship is a verb.

What is one way you can give to God this week? 

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