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Sunday Reflection March 11, 2012

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: Sunday Reflection March 11, 2012


Sunday Reflection March 11, 2012

This week has been focused on a Crisis in the Body: divorce. So I got really personal and shared with you my story of infidelity and God’s Grace. I also shared with you the 3 Keys to a Godly Marriage, what the Bible says about real love, and the 3 Keys to Rebooting Your Life After Divorce.Then you got a glimpse of my life as a child of divorce, which so far has been one of the harder things for me to write, but one of the most rewarding.

You may be wondering why I talked about these things. Simply this: it was on my heart. Someone recently challenged me on my “right” to talk about divorce, since I have never been divorced. I understand where they are coming from, but I would say this: a single man talks about being a lone wolf or a mustang and talks all about what marriage IS in a major blockbuster and we pay money to go see the movie and laugh at it, why do we listen to him? 

For me, it is not about rights, but about sharing what God has laid on my heart, and this topic is one I have heard about recently from my everyday life. People I know are saved are watching their marriages fall apart. I wanted to speak to that. I hope that it has helped the people God intended it to, and that is all I have to say about that.

I hope that this upcoming week will bring you freedom and rest in the Lord, and I look forward to what He will be showing me as I share my journey with you.

Be blessed and be a blessing. Remember that love is a verb. 

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