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Focus On what Matters

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: Focus On what Matters


Focus On what Matters

I woke up to one word in my spirit this morning: focus. 

I had planned on writing something else, but then I opened my Bible up to find the scripture I was going to write on and this is what I saw instead. 

Nehemiah 4:6 (AMP) says “So we built the wall, and all [of it] was joined together to half its height, for the people had a heart and mind to work” 

The note (in case you cannot see the picture) is what stopped me in my tracks. I do not know how long ago I wrote this. I know it has been a while since I read this book of the Bible, so it has been at least a few months, if not years since I scrawled these words: 

“Focus and willingness to obey can get great things accomplished. God’s favor seals the deal. His grace holds off the enemy.” 

The wall of Jerusalem had been destroyed, and God told Nehemiah to rebuild it. What a task! He was in service to the king. He had another job. One that placed him in a position of trust and gave him favor in the sight of his employer: he was the cup bearer. Now, he wanted to leave to do something totally different, out of his area of expertise, and completely dangerous. 

That speaks volumes to me about his trust in God. That tells me Nehemiah knew that God had a plan, and he knew he needed to obey. 

Now here comes the amazing thing God is showing me and I want to share with you: God has a plan for you too. You just need to focus and obey. 

Rebuilding a wall was a big job! 

The job required crews of workers, organization and a lot of courage. There were enemies around that did not want Nehemiah to succeed. Do you know what that is like? “Haters” want you to fail, they are just out of sight while you do all the hard work, and then they come in at your most vulnerable moment to denigrate and attack you. 

You have to know in your heart of hearts WHY you do what you are doing. If you are doing it for the recognition, the fame, the money, the feel good feelings you get doing it, then you will not have the success God wants you can have. You are getting in your own way! 

“Whatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people.” Colossians 3:23 (CEB) 

Focus on the Why 

Did God tell you to build a wall? Then build the best wall you can. Do it because God said to, not because everyone you know and some people you don’t know may or may not be impressed. 

I went down that road with this blog. I wondered “how can I get so-in-so to read it?” “How can I get more people to my site?” and “How can I get more people to comment?” 

Now I know my focus (my heart and mind) was not on the task. I should be focusing on what God told me to do, and let Him bless it. “His favor seals the deal.” I just need to focus and obey. 

Honestly, whether or not one more person ever reads this does not matter. I wrote it. That is what God told me to do. He will bless it, or use it, (or not) in His way, in His time. 

Get your heart and your mind on the things God has told you to do and stop wondering when you will get recognized for your “efforts”. Let God see your obedience, let Him bestow favor. 

Do not work for man, work for God. 

What has God told you to do?

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