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This is Dangerous!

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: This is Dangerous!


This is Dangerous!

Beaver Nelson Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Scared is a Good Thing 

I recently watched a video about Austin based musician, Beaver Nelson. He scrapped the traditional way of creating music and branched out in a way that has him a little scared.

This is good.

Beaver said "This is dangerous to me, it’s tricky and I'm not certain."

The Truth Is

We live in a comfortable state most of our lives. 

We rarely do the dangerous thing. Oh, we may jump out of a plane for recreation, we may climb a mountain and hang by our nails, but the truly dangerous thing, that thing that kills us every day THAT is the thing we rarely do.

Laying down our lives and taking up something bigger, something better, and something worth dying for? This is what our souls cry out for, but our minds cannot comprehend. So often, we don't do what we are meant to do.

We wait.

We look to see if anyone else will do it. If we happen upon someone who is laying it all on the line and living dangerously, one of two things happen. We either admire them or we attack and criticize them.

Beaver laid it all on the line, and is living out loud in front of the world. He is walking by faith. That uncertainty he feels is okay to feel. It is kind of like walking a high wire blindfolded and backwards. 

It feels dangerous.

Living our purpose can mean we go against the flow. We make waves when the waters would otherwise be calm. We step out when others are stepping back. This is what it means to live our purpose.

Fear of the unknown is understandable, but it cannot render you helpless. You cannot be relegated to the sidelines of life watching others fulfill their dreams. Step out in faith and live dangerously!

Have you ever felt uncertain about what you should do in life? Leave a comment below. 

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