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A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: DRUM ROLL PLEASE....



First a Big Southern Thanks Y'all

This blog started 14 months ago. I never knew it would grow like it has. That is in part thanks to you. Your faithfulness to read this blog and encourage me to keep going has grown my gifts and challenged me in ways I never thought I would be challenged.

You have been my critics, my cheerleaders, my prayer partners and my friends. Thank you for all you do.

Have I Scared You Yet? 

I am not quitting. I am growing and with growth sometimes change comes. So if you will indulge me, I want to share some BIG news- The blog is moving and going onto its own site.  is a work in progress but so was this site fourteen months ago. As a matter of fact when this blog started I had exactly three readers: my best friend, my husband, and my aunt. Now I have over 300 hits a day and that kind of growth is a blessing.

Here is my promise: I will continue to give you great content two to three times a week and I will continue to be as genuine as I am now. My warts and moles will all be there- on display for all to see. As a matter of fact, all the content that is here, is now there.

Easy as 1- 2-3-

Or at least I hope so.

I am sure there will be bugs to work out. I am learning a whole new layout that is much more involved than blogger ever was, so there are bound to be some mistakes. Just hang in there.

If I had my way, I would never launch It is a huge step, and intimidating. But I have to obey and this is where God is leading me.

So here is what you can do.

  • Share this post on Facebook
  • Follow the link and say hi at the new "home" 
  • Tweet about the new site launch 
  • Pray for me as I take this next step

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Is change scary for you too?