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The Journey From the Bottom of the Totem Pole to Living Your High Calling

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: The Journey From the Bottom of the Totem Pole to Living Your High Calling


The Journey From the Bottom of the Totem Pole to Living Your High Calling

Detail of Totem Pole Credit: Creative Commons via Flickr 

What is your “High calling”?

I say it is this: To live your best life for Jesus out loud wherever you may be.

Are you a busy business professional? Then live your best life out loud for all the other busy professionals to see.

This may mean praying over your lunch in the break room, or choosing not to pass the buck when you make a mistake, or giving credit where credit is due, even if doing otherwise would advance your career.

Are you a mom and home maker? Then speak life into your kids. Pray over them. Teach them to love Christ. Show them they are valued and lead them to a greater relationship with our Father. This is your high calling.

Are you an artist? A Musician? A Singer? A Writer? Then live out loud! Use your talent as an amplifier of God’s love and purpose for you.

Whatever you are, wherever you may be there is ministry to be done: a high calling to live.

Everyone Has a High Calling! 

I am not saying "be obnoxious" when I say “live out loud”. I am saying be alive! Be a light on the hill. Shine where you are. If you think you have no real calling then you are mistaken.

You may never be an apostle, or a preacher. You may never preach to pigmies in another land, or have your songs heard by millions on the radio, but that does not count you out!

God has a purpose for you and it starts where you are.

When Jesus was preaching to the 5000 on the hillside that day, the disciples came to him and asked “How are we going to feed all these people?” Jesus replied, “Well, what have you got?” (Read it in context here)

He started with what they had: five loaves and two fish.

Start where you are. Live out your best life for Christ. As He blesses it, you will see multiplication like never before.

God Read my Mail!

Some years ago I was pretty angry about being the “low man on the totem pole” at the church where my husband was on staff. We had made plans as a family for an upcoming Saturday, but had been told during a Wednesday night service that we would be required to be at the church working all day, on his day off…for no extra pay. The attitude of my heart was horrible. I felt indignant. I felt used. I got upset.

When I walked forward to get prayed for (because I truly needed prayer in that moment) the visiting minister turned into a postman as he delivered the “mail” straight from God. He said this:

“God does not start anyone off at the bottom to work their way up. He starts us off at the top and our top expands outward.”

The minister did not know what we were just told. More importantly, he did not know my heart. But God did. That word was for me... directly from my Father. It is for you today.

If you feel like you have no “ministry” then stop and look around you. What have you got? 

That is what Jesus wants.

Live your high calling now, out loud, for the world to see.

Join the Conversation:

Have you ever felt like the low man on the totem pole? Leave your comments below. 

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