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Waste not, Want not. A Proverbs 31 Household Hint.

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: Waste not, Want not. A Proverbs 31 Household Hint.


Waste not, Want not. A Proverbs 31 Household Hint.

Save all the trimmings from a weeks worth of vegetables in a seal-able container in your fridge.  I used eggplant, asparagus, 
avocado skin, cilantro, garlic paper, onion peel, tomato, potato, bell pepper, celery, carrot peelings and mushrooms because that is what I had.  You can use what you like, so long as it is fresh produce to begin with- frozen will not work.  
Place in pot, cover with water and bring to a rapid boil for at least 5 minutes. (I do about 20 for more intense flavor)  

Drain well

Look at the wonderful color. 

Ladle into ice cube trays and freeze

Once frozen remove from trays and store in a freezer bag in your freezer. Use in any recipe that calls for broth or bullion. Enjoy! 

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