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Ministry Highlight- VictoryFamily Center

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: Ministry Highlight- VictoryFamily Center


Ministry Highlight- VictoryFamily Center

Yesterday was a busy one and full of blessings, including getting new haircuts for my teen girls (high drama averted, barely! thank you Ginger!) and a quick trip to Wal-Mart to grab a few groceries, of which I had exact change for in my wallet with two cents to spare (Thank you Jesus!) and a divine encounter with two really fabulous young men. These young men, Dustin and Gerald, approached me and my girls in the parking lot.
Holding a homemade banana bread Dustin shared his testimony with me. He had been wrapped up in addiction and governed by drugs and alcohol. He had been to prison and was on the way that leads to death. Then he found VictoryFamily and was introduced to a relationship with Jesus. He began to glow with an inner joy and peace as he shared how Jesus had changed his life. How he was free from drugs and alcohol and was beginning to plan for a future, one he never thought he would ever have before. How VictoryFamily had changed his life. I didn’t have any money, well two cents, but since when has anyone wanted my two cents? (Insert chuckle here) But what I did have was this blog, this is what I saw when I felt God leading me to do this every day.
I grew excited. I told them all about my blog. I said I will post about this. They looked at me with confusion, and maybe a hint of ‘yeah right’ in their eyes, but I knew that God was doing something. I came home and looked up their website. With recommendations from The Houston Chronicle, Teen Challenge, Christian Men’s Network, and other respected pastors and Christian authors, I knew I would be telling you my readers, about VictoryFamily. The most impressive thing about this program is it is FREE! Serving not just men and women with addictions, but ministering to their families as well, VictoryFamily does all of it at no cost to the hurting. That is the heart of Christ.
I am reminded of Peter in Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. AND of Matthew 25:40 and 45 (yes Jesus said it twice- so it must be important!) Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
VictoryFamily needs our help. They have both a residential and transitional center for men and women, and are in great need of donations and support. They need you, for what is the body without the hands, or the feet? To find out more, or to donate, please go to or call 713-699-HELP (4357).  Their motto is “the road to victory over addiction starts here”, but I say it starts with us.
Remember boys and girls: faith is an ACTION verb.