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The Things That Make You Go "Whoa!"

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: The Things That Make You Go "Whoa!"


The Things That Make You Go "Whoa!"

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Amazing Things Come With Surrender

When we pursue our dreams, grab a hold of God’s plan for our lives and fully surrender, then wonderful things start happening. 

The Bible says, God lays our paths straight

Psalms 37:23 says “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”

Look around you. Are there people in your life that are impacting you on more than just a natural level? Are there people challenging you emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, to be better? Are there people suddenly popping into your life teaching you new skills, or make connections for you that you could have never made on your own? 

This is God ordering your footsteps. 

Dreams Take a Team 

I once heard Walter Hallam say “God either gives you a vision, or adds you to a vision.” 

Dreams are bigger than one person. Behind every NBA star there was a mom or dad taking the kid to practice, or a coach that saw something great in the player. We cannot accomplish everything on our own. 

For Joseph (Genesis 37-45) it took family, slave traders, a businessman, a cook , a butler, and a Pharaoh before his dream, the one he had at 17, could even begin to take place. As unlikely as the team was, as unusual as the circumstances were, Joseph determined to serve God above any other. God added those that were necessary to accomplish what He had showed Joseph. 

Keep Working 

When Joseph was wrongly thrown into a well and sold by his brothers into slavery, he could have given up. He could have done only what was required by his new owner, but he did more than was asked of him and he was promoted. He did the work. 

When he was thrown in prison after he was falsely accused of rape, he could have given up, but he kept working, and ran the prison for the warden. 

His work ethic and his faithfulness to God opened doors that were unforeseen. 

The Things That Make Me Go “Whoa!” 

Recently, after being chosen for the Platform Launch Team, I have had amazing opportunities to meet some amazing writers, publishers, videographers, and spiritually adept men and women. After taking Jeff Goins’ advice I invited one of those people to coffee. 

Dana Pittman is an author, a lawyer, a mom, a homeschooler, a wife, a videographer, a runner, a crafter, a blogger, and a pretty awesome woman of God! Our first meeting was actually more like a reunion and a brainstorming session all wrapped up into one. Soon we will be doing a series together and sharing it with you here and on her website. 

Why am I telling you this? Because I believe my footsteps have been ordered. God has brought Dana into my life (and by extension into yours) for a reason. 

If you look around in your life, I bet you can find your “Dana” too. 

Keep Seeking 

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22

Do not get distracted by the cool things that are going on around you. God has a plan, but your relationship is not about the plan. Relationship is about getting closer to Him. Don’t get the two things mixed up. Martha did and Jesus rebuked her in front of a houseful of guests. 

Seek ye first the kingdom of God (the work) and His righteousness (the relationship) and (then) all these things will be added to you! 

Question: Has God ever done something for you that made you stop and say “Whoa!”?

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