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The Good News or the Bad News First?

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: The Good News or the Bad News First?


The Good News or the Bad News First?

The Impact of Your Thought Life

What we think on, we mull over, we focus on, these are the things that have tremendous impact on  us. 

Paul understood this. He could have focused on his circumstances. He had been beaten, imprisoned, he had been betrayed and he knew he had a choice. Just as we have a choice. We can either think about the bad things or the good. 

He chose to look at things from the perspective that Jesus was a greater reward than the situation was bad. In other words, there was more value in Christ than there was in his circumstances. 

Application and Practice

I am not a naturally sunny person. Without Christ actively given a place in my life I am moody and morose. Neurotic would be a good word. I focused on myself. I thought things like "What's in it for me?" "Why are they treating me badly?" "Why can't people see things my way?"  

These attitudes were not just my heart. I had an un-renewed mind. I was focused on my circumstances rather than what God had to say about things. That is where this verse comes in: Philippians 4:8 

Sometimes the things the Bible say to do we rather ignore. Face it, no one really wants to love their enemy, or treat their neighbors as they would treat themselves. Getting a hold of these things takes real time application of prayer and the Spirit at work in our lives. Since we are human we will get it wrong more than we get it right. 

So why try anyway? 

Because there is so much freedom in it. God doesn't tell us to ignore the bad situations. Jesus said there would be trouble in this world, but be of good cheer anyway, because I have overcome the world!  (read it here

By focusing on the promises of God, the honest things, the pure things, the lovely things, the just things, then we remember God brought us through before. That good report reminds us He is faithful. This is the truth we stand on: God does not forsake His children or leave them begging bread. Now we have reason to praise, now we have reason to sing. 

Since praise brings breakthrough, we now can understand why our thought life has such power. 

If you think I don't understand your situation, or your circumstances, then you may be right. Yet, I know without a doubt that God does know. He made a way of escape for you. Maybe not a physical escape from the mess you are in, but a spiritual and emotional freedom is available to you. 

Sometimes the circumstances don't change because they are not what God is focused on. His focus has always been mankind's hearts. He wants us to change. To change our minds, and to change our hearts. Then, He can begin to bring us through the circumstances. 

Join the Conversation: 

Are you a naturally optimistic (positive) or pessimistic (negative) person? How has that worked for you?

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