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The Gap Between Me and My Calling

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: The Gap Between Me and My Calling


The Gap Between Me and My Calling

The Work is Hard

Have you ever felt like the thing God has asked you to do is too big, too hard, or just too much? 

Been there, felt that. 

The other night, in the midst of finding out more about what we will be doing on my mission's trip, I began to have this thought: "what are you doing? you have nothing to offer this group or the people you are going to serve" and I began to meditate on that. I began to wonder what I would wear on the trip and how I would get there since I have not raised all the funds yet. I worried, and I let fear begin to take root. 

Finally, after ranting to my husband all the fears and doubts I had I asked for Randy to pray, because I had gotten so worked up with worry that I did not even know where to begin or how to begin. He began by thanking God for the gifts and the talents in me, then He moved to thanking God for the provision He gives when we are not enough on our own. 

Have I mentioned how wise that husband of mine is? 

The Truth of the Matter

We will never be enough on our own. If we were we would not ache for something or someone more than ourselves. We would never cry out for God. In our human arrogance and finite wisdom we often confuse calling with equipping. 

God has called me and you to do the work of His kingdom, and often the job is bigger than the skills we bring to the table. That gap between our ability and the job He has called us to is the place where His glory will shine the most. This is where the only answer to the questions of "How?" "When?" and "Who?" are found in God: His provision and His timing. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own ways of thinking" (author paraphrase) is what the Psalmist said. God says His "ways are not our ways" and that He will "Make ways" for us to travel that we did not know, and "lead us" ways we did not expect. 

Real trust is knowing that in my weakness God gives me strength. Real trust is believing what God says is true: He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is our provider. 

Proof in the Morning

When I woke up the next morning it was to a phone call from a relative I see maybe once or twice a year. God used her to remind me of His love and provision. She has clothes for me that will be perfect for the trip. As I talked with her on the phone she told me a story that moved me and reminded me that God does hear our prayers. He loves us like no one else can and He moves and works on our behalf not so we will have things, but that we will trust more. 

When Jesus calmed the stormy waters the disciples were amazed. He said "Oh ye of little faith". I have been so guilty of "little faith". Yet, God is continually faithful toward me, so why do I doubt? In the gap between where I am and where God is taking me is an adventure of epic proportions. There He will do things in new and fresh ways and always fulfill His promises as I run after Him. 

I am reminded of Matthew 6:33. "Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well." (New Century Version)

Join the Conversation

What ways has God shown you His love and provision in your life? 

Help Send Me

If you want to help be part of God's provision and sow some great seeds of faith, join me by donating to the mission's trip to Guatemala. The button is up in the top right corner or you can click this link: 

Every little bit helps and all donated money goes to the Mission's Trip. 


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