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An Attitude of Gratitude

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: An Attitude of Gratitude


An Attitude of Gratitude

photo Credit: Creative Commons with limited editing done by Dayna Bickham


This is how I want to live my life: thankfully. In active gratitude. I told you yesterday that entitlement is dangerous. I believe it is and this is why: because entitlement forgets grace. 

Grace is God's love at work in our lives. When we forget this grace, when we ignore God's hand in our day-to-day lives, we run the risk of living with an attitude of entitlement rather than an attitude of gratitude. We take God for granted and forget there is no reason except His love for His favor in our lives. 

So as you read this are you nodding your head in agreement? 


Now here is the challenge: 

Examine yourself. 

Where can you show more gratitude and less attitude? Toward your husband? Toward your Mother-in-law? What about your boss, who probably isn't saved so they don't "get it". 

If I were to hazard a guess, I would say there is at least one area you could use more gratitude in. Do you know why? Because, we all fall short somewhere. 

I am preaching to the choir, believe me. 

So this is what I want you to do, and I am going to do the same and share my results with you. Today we need to find three things we are thankful for. Small, medium or large, these things are something you are willing to share and give a brief explanation why you are grateful for them. 

I will go first. 

My List

1. I am grateful for my kids. 

    As much as I complain about parenting, my kids are the greatest gift (outside of salvation) that God has
    ever given me. They bring me more joy than heartache and that is what I need to remember when things
    get tough. 

2. I am grateful for early mornings. 

    This is when I get time to read and pray. I get ideas for this blog, I write, I even just sit back and listen to 
    praise and worship music. These quiet times are rare and I have to discipline myself to get up, but they are
    worth the effort, every time. 

3. I am grateful for you. 

    I write because I am called to, but I am glad I have you to share this blog with. You pray with me, laugh
   with me, cry with me, and cringe with me. You make the job of writing more than a chore, you make it an
   adventure! In you I see God's favor and increase. You are like His little kisses to me. Thank you for 
   showing up everyday and thank you for sticking it out with me through all my hiccups and growing pains as 
   as a blogger. 


Join the Conversation: 

Now it is your turn. What are you grateful for and why? 

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