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A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: January 2013


The Upside to Fear

I still have to pack... Photo Credit: Creative Commons

I am racked with anxiety! 

There are just days before I leave for a missions trip to Guatemala.

I am not prepared.

Forget the packing, the funds, the logistics, this is about my heart.

I feel inadequate to the challenges ahead. Who will I minister to? What do I have to offer? Why would anyone listen to me? I have nothing to give!

Have you ever felt this way?

I remember feeling this way before becoming a mom for the first time. Then again when I was preparing to repeat that feat with the second child.

I remember feeling that way when I sat down to write for this blog the first time and then again before my book was published.

The Upside to Fear

This is not a freeze-in-your-boots-and-let-the-enemy-win kind of fear, but a check in your spirit to remember to be humble. There is a difference. Feeling inadequate to the task can be a good thing. It is our minds and hearts telling us we are not enough on our own.

How do I know? Because even Paul did not think he could handle something, and God said "My grace is sufficient."

"I begged the Lord three times to take this problem away from me. But the Lord said, “My grace is all you need. Only when you are weak can everything be done completely by my power.” So I will gladly boast about my weaknesses. Then Christ’s power can stay in me. Yes, I am glad to have weaknesses if they are for Christ. I am glad to be insulted and have hard times. I am glad when I am persecuted and have problems, because it is when I am weak that I am really strong." 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 ERV

I am not anyone special. I have my own set of issues: I have a short fuse, I am overweight and I bite my nails too often, just to name a few, but God, who is more than able to answer any need, to mend any hurt, and to free anyone, is bigger than my shortcomings and weaknesses. He is more than enough in every situation.

Job, who's life fell apart bit by bit in a matter of hours, refused to doubt the greatness and goodness of God. If he can have faith in the most dire of circumstances, I can trust God as I travel to a country in my own hemisphere.

I may not know what the future holds, but as the old song says, " I know who holds the future!"

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 NLT

So when I go and the task seems to great I will remember the words of Peter: "silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give unto thee"!

Join the Conversation: 

Have you ever felt to little for the task? What was your situation like and did you see God's grace in it after it was all done?


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Don't Quit Your Day Job: The 5-Fold Purpose of Work

Photo Credit: Creative Commons edits by Dayna Bickham 

Work Stinks

When I was a kid, I bought into that lie that we all do at one point or another: "When I grow up I am going to do what I want to do, and nothing else!" 

Then we find out that doing what you want costs money, or conflicts with something else and reality begins to set in. The truth is work stinks and it is not always fun. 

Some of us have gotten "What do you want to be when you grow up" mixed up with what I should do until my dreams become reality. 

The answer will always be work. 

We have to put our hand to the plow and not look back. In work, whether it is for a family business, a corporation or somewhere in between, we grow and learn and change. Working matures us. Sticking to the job when we don't want to stretches us. 

"Committing to certain things- a job, a wife, a calling- has taught me a lot about character and integrity  discipline and honor. There's something about the process of giving up on other possibilities and sticking to a path that brings life in ways that other thrills do not. And I'm a better man for it, no matter how much I kick and scream along the way." 

More Than A Paycheck

There is a purpose to work besides putting money into your pocket. Work teaches us and develops us. Here are a few ways it does this: 

  • We Learn Commitment - stick-to-it-ness. We learn the value of hanging in there when the going gets tough and we glean the benefits of coming out on the other side. 

  • Work Develops Character- Doing what you said you would do is not always as easy as it sounds. In today's society we often flake out because we heard "just follow your heart" too often. Our heart should not be dictating our actions, but what God says, and He said "Let your yes be yes and your no be no." 

  • We Develop Skills- Work strengthens skills you already have and teaches you new skills. Sometimes our dreams require more of us than we can bring to the table. That was the case with Joseph. He was a spoiled kid in his father's house, but after serving Potiphar, and then becoming a leader in prison, then he was ready to lead a nation through a drought and save his family. Then his dreams could come to pass. 

  • Work Hones Your Focus. If you want to know more about who you are, get dirty. Work, the sweat of our brow actually tells us more about our strengths and weaknesses. It builds us up as people of character and makes us focus on things by forcing us to prioritize. We get rid of the fluff and take care of the stuff that matters.  Tweet That 

  • Work Opens Doors- Opportunities we never thought we would have, or chances to do things we never dreamed may just come as fruits of our labor. Without putting our hand to the plow and just doing our everyday work, we would not get the benefit of opportunities. Do not think less of your job because it is not the one you wanted at first. Do not despise your small beginning, because you never know where it might lead.  

The Purpose of Work

Work prepares you for more. In my book, The Purpose of Chosen I talk about this very thing. We have been chosen for a purpose, but that does not mean our skills dictate what that purpose is. Instead our purpose dictates what skills we should be learning. The calling is never after the gift, the gift always comes second. Preparation for your purpose may be in the mission field, or your home church, or it may be like Joseph- in prison. Where ever you are, put your hand to the plow. Do the work. It will prepare you for more, and it will make reaching your goals and dreams that much sweeter! 

Join the Conversation

What are some lessons you have learned through work? 


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*Some affiliate links on this page. 

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The Purpose of Your Dream

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Who am I?

I have struggled all my life with this question. I knew who I was in the sense that I was born into a certain family, or that I was the smart kid with the loud laugh, but inside, I struggled with the question of who I was meant to be.

As kids we all get asked at one time or another, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” For me there were always three things that I said, depending on my age or on my mood. I wanted to be a teacher, a singer, or (my favorite) Annie.

Little Orphan Annie ™ was made into the movie Annie when I was five or six. That bright smiling girl had spunk, daring, and moxie! At any moment she could break into a fight or break into song. I identified with her so strongly that I drove my family crazy with my rendition of “Tomorrow”.  

Rocky Balboa and Luke Skywalker were close seconds but Annie was always the forerunner for me. What do these fictitious characters have to do with discovering who I am? Nothing and everything! 

Those things that create a spark are things that give us a glimpse of who we are as individuals. What I like, (Annie for example) someone else may see as trite, or drivel. There are some who become excited by the idea of survivalist training or climbing active volcanoes. These things do not spark a passion with me because I was not wired that way. 

For me, being like Annie is more than singing "The sun'll come out tomorrow...." It is about standing up for what I believe in, fighting along side my friends, being a leader, enjoying the most out of life and never letting the really crummy circumstances drag me down. Her character reminds me to be a person of character and to press into life with all the guts and gusto I can. 

What sparks you? 

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. His passion was first the gospel and second the equality of his fellow man. Not just because of color, but in spite of it. He saw oppression and he could not stand by and say nothing. He believed the prophet Isaiah and took God's word to heart. 
"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." Isaiah 1:17
In his famous "Dream" speech he said this: 
"I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
 This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
 With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day....when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

The Purpose of a Dream

I am not talking about the "I ate too many tacos right before I went to bed" kind of dreams. I am talking about the dreams that are bigger than ourselves. The ones that take our breath with the sheer depth and breadth of them.

Dreams move us. They ignite us. They drive us, and too often, they leave us. Or I should say, we give up on them.

If you feel like you have lost your dream, you need to remember this. Joseph stood among his brothers as a kid. Snot-nosed, arrogant, and naive, he thought his dreams meant he had it all figured out.

Instead it took expulsion from his family, false accusations of rape, jail, working for the Pharaoh and then, when he least expected it, God brought Joseph's dreams to pass. Not for Joseph's sake, but for the sake of his family and two nations: Egypt and Israel.

Dreams are markers of God's faithfulness. They give us hope, they point us in the right direction, and they take root in our hearts. If we feed our dreams we can watch them grow, but only if we do not give up. Only if we keep pressing. If Joseph had given up when he was thrown down a well, or when he was thrown in jail unjustly...what would that have meant to the world years later? Who would have gone hungry or never received forgiveness?

No matter the circumstance, we must keep moving forward. Carving hope out of despair and transforming random notes of our life's music into a symphony of praise to God's faithfulness to bring all things to work together for the good of those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)

Dreams prompt us to act. To do. To stand up. To take notice. To put the world on notice. Dreams are creative and they are often closely tied to our purpose. They are the fuel that drives us, and they are a gift of God, who knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb and who's plans for you are good and hope-filled.

Live your life with a dream in your heart, your hand to the plow and your trust in the Lord and He will direct your path.

Join the Conversation

What is your dream?

"The Lord answered me, “Write down what I show you. Write it clearly on a sign so that the message will be easy to read." Habakkuk 2:2


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Self-Esteem via Grace and Beauty

Original Artwork by Dayna Bickham, Photo by Dayna Bickham

We Are More Alike Than You Know

I love writing, and I love speaking, but teaching is a whole separate animal. I love it, I am just much newer to it and have so much more to learn there. I teach a class of some very beautiful and vibrantly different girls who range in age from eight to twelve. Some are outgoing, and some are  quiet and reserved.

Each girl may be different, but we all share the same struggles. As I stood before a class of twelve girls and two adults, I shared my struggle with accepting who God made me to be and watched as the message hit home with each of them. I wanted them to esteem themselves as the beauties they are, and embrace the grace of God instead of the world's version of self-esteem. 

I used art, a mirror and scripture to do it. 

The Lesson Breakdown

1) Design- We are planned with design in mind. God knew us before we were in our mother's womb. We are miracles of design and creation.  (Jeremiah 1:5 Psalms 139:14)
2) Create- Since God is THE Creator and we are made in His image, we are also creative beings made to do good works. (Genesis 1, Eph 2:10
3) Appreciate- That beauty is not defined by a mirror or popular opinion, but by what God made (each and every one of us) and by what is in our hearts. (Proverbs 31:30, 1 Samuel 16:7
4) Give Grace- Finally, I wanted those girls to begin to understand that grace is not just something God gives us, but something we can give ourselves. When we stand in front of that mirror and say "my teeth are too far apart", or "I don't like my hair", or "I am to fat" then we tell ourselves (God's creations) that we are not good enough. We would not tell someone else this lie, so why do we so easily believe it when we say it to ourselves?

When we give ourselves grace to make mistakes, to be different, to be ourselves, then the self-doubt and harsh lies become less important and the grace and love of God can become more real to us. After all, grace  is an extension of God's love for us, and His love is His character. Since we need to become more like Him, why not start off with a touch of grace? 

True Masterpieces 

Now I am no painter. I cannot (on most days) draw a circle, much less paint. But I wanted the girls to experience drawing/painting a self-portrait and seeing themselves in new ways. So after watching clever videos on YouTube I was able to walk them through a simple and fun way to teach the kids how to draw a self-portrait. I have to say the outcomes were better than I could have expected. 

Each girl focused on what was honest and true about them, not the negative things that they could have focused on. Each one created portraits of themselves that may never hang in galleries, but for all their childish brushstrokes and cartoon-esque technique they created moments of creative affirmation and embraced themselves as the masterpieces God designed. 

My self-portrait came out looking more like Heather Locklear than I meant, but I am okay with that. There is grace (and some humor- don't ask what the dots are- I have no idea!) in that. But I do smile. I do have great blue eyes and I am beautiful to my Father. This is the grace I can give myself. 

The girls gave themselves some grace when it came to their artistic abilities, but that small lesson makes room for them to grow in grace as they grow in the Lord. For me, this was the main objective of the project: to see ourselves and our abilities as masterpieces in progress: to embrace grace and trust in God's design for our self-esteem and not what the world says about beauty. We are well on our way. What about you? 

Join the Conversation

In what way can you give yourself some grace today? 


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The Purpose of Art

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Choose Your Medium 

If we had to choose, just one thing to do that would make us feel happiness, and live a fulfilled life, what would it be?

Would you race cars, or climb mountains? Would you write novels, or sing ballads? What is that thing that creates passion and fire in your belly? Everyone has a "thing". For me, it is writing. For you it may be having children, or bringing awareness to a social need. You may have the talent and the desire to become a great visual artist.

Your medium may be emerging, or it may be set in stone, but what you sculpt out of your life is what we want to focus on now.

Create or Stagnate 

Can you be happy in a nine to five with demands and schedules and a cubical? Will putting your kids in daycare and spending eight to 16 hours a day with people you barely like get you where or what you want?

What matters? The nine to five, the hustle and bustle of it all? Or the moments that grab our gut and draw our heart strings? The works of pure perfection that take our breath away?

We need novels that leave us breathless with sobbing because we lived in the moments and spaces between the lines written there. Music that grabs us and shakes us to our core. We are creative people that need creative outlets because we long to express more.

We want to be more than the grey automatons society tries to turn us into, we long for color and depth, and breadth and vision. We long for singularity of voice and attention for our endeavors. We want more than pats on the back: we want someone to see us.

See us. To know us like no one else.

What We Long For

We look for that fulfillment everywhere. It was not found in the pursuit of pleasure. Pleasure lasts for a season. Even our art lacked real complete joy. Because there was no reason to it. There was no drive, We created and wrote, and sculpted, and sang for the sake of doing so. To say we were different, to draw attention to our pain, our creativity, to our expressions of art, and because of our glory seeking - we missed where the real glory lies.

There was no value there because there was no foundation. Lost in the wind, being blown away by talent alone is not enough. Art, real art, must say something. Art must be about the discovery of who we are. Individuals that need something and someone greater than ourselves.

We need Inspiration. 

When some artist look for Inspiration, they look to nature, and think, "this must be the meaning of it all". Then some look for Inspiration in the stars and say, "the universe must hold the key." Others look to themselves and spiral into a vacuous self-obsession.

Why not look for Inspiration in the One who made the beauty of nature. Who fashioned the stars with His very hands? The One who is a Master Potter, whose very workmanship is you.

"God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing." Ephesians 2:10 NCV

Great Art is not just beautiful, but it reflects back to us the pain, the joy, the beauty of all we are, and all our Creator is. It shows our brokenness and it inspires us to create moments of peace, and joy, and love. Bottled up, jarred,. smeared on canvas, carved from stone or written in pen and ink: our lives are meant to reflect the glory of God. 

If our lives feel incomplete, perhaps it is because we have, for too long, worshiped the creation, rather than the Creator. When we change this our Art becomes an expression of love and service rather than a self-absorbed debacle. 

So, forget the different drummer, and stop leaning on what you have always thought was driving you to create and remember that we were made in His image and He made us to create. He gave the gifts and the talents. 

What are you doing with them?  


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The Gap Between Me and My Calling

The Work is Hard

Have you ever felt like the thing God has asked you to do is too big, too hard, or just too much? 

Been there, felt that. 

The other night, in the midst of finding out more about what we will be doing on my mission's trip, I began to have this thought: "what are you doing? you have nothing to offer this group or the people you are going to serve" and I began to meditate on that. I began to wonder what I would wear on the trip and how I would get there since I have not raised all the funds yet. I worried, and I let fear begin to take root. 

Finally, after ranting to my husband all the fears and doubts I had I asked for Randy to pray, because I had gotten so worked up with worry that I did not even know where to begin or how to begin. He began by thanking God for the gifts and the talents in me, then He moved to thanking God for the provision He gives when we are not enough on our own. 

Have I mentioned how wise that husband of mine is? 

The Truth of the Matter

We will never be enough on our own. If we were we would not ache for something or someone more than ourselves. We would never cry out for God. In our human arrogance and finite wisdom we often confuse calling with equipping. 

God has called me and you to do the work of His kingdom, and often the job is bigger than the skills we bring to the table. That gap between our ability and the job He has called us to is the place where His glory will shine the most. This is where the only answer to the questions of "How?" "When?" and "Who?" are found in God: His provision and His timing. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own ways of thinking" (author paraphrase) is what the Psalmist said. God says His "ways are not our ways" and that He will "Make ways" for us to travel that we did not know, and "lead us" ways we did not expect. 

Real trust is knowing that in my weakness God gives me strength. Real trust is believing what God says is true: He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is our provider. 

Proof in the Morning

When I woke up the next morning it was to a phone call from a relative I see maybe once or twice a year. God used her to remind me of His love and provision. She has clothes for me that will be perfect for the trip. As I talked with her on the phone she told me a story that moved me and reminded me that God does hear our prayers. He loves us like no one else can and He moves and works on our behalf not so we will have things, but that we will trust more. 

When Jesus calmed the stormy waters the disciples were amazed. He said "Oh ye of little faith". I have been so guilty of "little faith". Yet, God is continually faithful toward me, so why do I doubt? In the gap between where I am and where God is taking me is an adventure of epic proportions. There He will do things in new and fresh ways and always fulfill His promises as I run after Him. 

I am reminded of Matthew 6:33. "Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well." (New Century Version)

Join the Conversation

What ways has God shown you His love and provision in your life? 

Help Send Me

If you want to help be part of God's provision and sow some great seeds of faith, join me by donating to the mission's trip to Guatemala. The button is up in the top right corner or you can click this link: 

Every little bit helps and all donated money goes to the Mission's Trip. 


Like what you read? Want to keep up with new content? Sign up for Free. I won't sell your information or spam you and you can get a free copy of my Children's e-book "The Gardener and the Sapling". 

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Look Who Turns One!

The Blog Turns One

Today is a special day. I was so surprised at how quickly this year has flown. One year ago today I heard God say write a blog, and so I came home from church and sat down and began.

I wrote about praise and worship, about prayer, about parenting, and about life in general. It wasn't until about half way through the year I began to understand what direction I wanted to head and since I have become focused on helping others find purpose, I have found mine.

I never would have dreamed that in less than a year, over 60,000 people would have seen my blog. I never dreamed that I would have written a book, let alone two. This last year has been amazing!

God is good. He has a plan for me and He has a plan for you. I have avoided writing the typical "New Year's Resolution" piece because I know that everyday we must resolve ourselves to lay down our lives and pick up the life that God has designed for us.

2013 Challenge 

I want to challenge  you today to find three scriptures that define for you your life. They may be the same ones you have clung to for years or they may be completely new, but these scriptures will help shape you and your next year. For me, I will endeavor in 2013 to keep living my life by my favorite three scriptures.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV) 

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (NIV) 

and Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (NIV) 

God has a plan, and since I do not always know the details, with these three scriptures I can trust, I can endure His reshaping of me, and I can rely on His redemption and His grace. With these three scriptures I can live life as an adventure and not worry about the small stuff. 

Thank you for being along for the ride. 

Prize Announcement: 

This blog was holding a giveaway, and no one entered. If you want to win this cross, then subscribe now to enter. I will extend the giveaway until the end of the month. The prize is a hand-carved, reclaimed wooden cross. This cross is made by recovering drug addicts in a local ministry that I have recently learned about. I will be telling you more about them soon. 

If you already subscribe to our Newsletter you can enter too by sharing either on Facebook (the "F" icon is below) and tagging me (Dayna Renee Hackett Bickham) or by Tweeting #TheAnnivesaryGift. Best of Luck all! 

Join the Conversation: 

What was your favorite part of the past year? 

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I Want More: A Look at "A Sudden Glory" by Sharon Jaynes

Is this all there is? 

There is a moment when you find yourself going through the motions of life, and even in your relationship with God that you stop and wonder "is this all there is?" I know I have. I have asked this question many times in my life.

Now I know, that there is so much more to God, to His purpose for me and to my relationship with Him, but I did not always feel that way.

Before I began blogging and really seeking God in my life on a daily basis, I was a by the numbers kind of Christian. Attend church x amount of times in a week....check. Sing x amount of songs....check. Read x amount of chapters in my Bible....check. Pray x amount of minutes a day...check. But life was stale and dull. There was no vitality: there was no real life!

This is why I was so excited to find A Sudden Glory: God's Lavish Response to Your Ache for Something More.  By Sharon Jaynes (WaterBrook Multnomah Press- Affiliate Link**)

This book moved me, challenged me and reassured me. I am not the only woman out there that wonders "is this all there is?"

God spoke so strongly to me through this book and I want you to have the same chance to be moved, as I was. This is what I said on the publisher's website, and I believe it is true.

"A Sudden Glory shone for me. As a woman who has struggled with her relationship with God, I understood the longing Sharon describes so perfectly. I wanted a fullness and a joy that I did not seem to have. I became disillusioned and at one point took a 7 year "break" from my relationship with Him. 

To hear that I was not alone was amazing. 

In this book I found a new way to look at my life. I was challenged not to "do" but to "be": to exist as a child in her Daddy's lap and to enter into the intimacy that can only come from abiding in God's presence. 

This book is an easy read, full of personal stories, and perfect for a small group."

I cannot recommend this book enough! You should get a copy soon. Since this is the beginning of a new year, why not start it off with a new perspective about what it really means to live, move and breathe a relationship with God and in God.

You can purchase a copy here or here.

Join the Conversation

Have you been aching for something more in your walk with God? Share your thoughts with us. Leave a comment below.

Affiliate Disclaimer 

**I was provided a free copy of this book for review. In no way am I paid to say these things, and receive no other compensation for my review. 

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Little Miss Scatterbrained

Copyright: Roger Hargreaves Mr. Men and Little Miss


I found myself stressed, anxious and on edge for the last few days. I just wanted these feelings to go away! 

The thing I realized some time last night is this: I had not really prayed or gotten in God's presence in the last few days either. 

So I began to worship. I began to sing and lift my hands and my heart in praise. God is so good. I began to mull over Luke 12:26-28. 

"If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest? Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?"

In the last month I have been more obsessed with worry over money, bills, presents, and other little things than I ought to be. In reality, God met every need we had and provided above and beyond every time He moved on someone's heart to give toward my mission's trip.  

It Ain't no Thang

Money is a little thing. Since I have little of it, then I have a choice. I can either choose to obsess over what I do not have and worry about what I am going to do to get things I do not really need or I can trust that my Father would never leave me begging bread and that the least of the kingdom issues (MONEY) is taken care of. 

After all God is the perfect Father and provider. He provides according to His riches in glory

I use money as an example of how little things can take over our minds and edge out our faith. Song of Solomon calls these things "little foxes". The things we think on are the things that begin to take predominance in our lives. That is why Paul said this to the church in Philipi. 
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Paul knew the importance of our thought life. We need the mind of Christ if we are to live the lives of over-comers  If we want to say "I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus" and it be true then we must train our minds to focus on the goodness of God, not the bigness of our needs. 

I had spent way too much time building my unbelief instead of building my faith because I was focused on the wrong thing. 

"As a man thinks in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23:7
So I will begin to sweep out the polluted thinking and meditate on the pureness and goodness of my God. His mercy is new everyday.   I will run off the little foxes that try to sneak in and steal the fruit God is growing in my life. I will focus on doing what God has called me to and let Him work out the rest. 

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11
I recently heard someone say this: "Worry and anxiety are you meditating on the wrong things. Instead of you thinking on God's goodness, you are focusing on your lack." 

How true this is. 

My Prayer

Father, forgive me for losing sight of You and your goodness. I know you are more than enough. Your grace is sufficient. Father help me to be about your business without getting sidetracked and busy with the details that I should be trusting You for. You are good. You are faithful. Your love never fails. Have your way in my life. Rule and reign in my heart. Lead me by Your ways, and show me what it is to love like you. In the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Join the Conversation

Have you ever battled worry and anxiety? What helped you? 

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The Anniversary Gift

Happy New Year All! 

I hope your holidays were amazing and you find yourself well rested and spiritually refreshed as you head back to your work week.

I have feverishly worked to raise funds for my mission's trip to Guatemala. It is less than a month away now! I have five-hundred (maybe a little more) to raise ASAP so that I can buy my round-trip ticket to Miami. The airport there is where we will be flying out of. If you want to give to support that then just click on that Go Fund Me widget to the right or here.

I also enjoyed a great Christmas and New Years with family and friends.

I don't know about you, but for me the best part was the cozy sleep-in days and the movie marathons enjoyed by me and the kids. I would not trade a minute of the giggles, the hugs or the wrestling matches.

Happy Anniversary A Year in the Spiritual Life! 

It dawned on me just how crazy this last year has been. In just a few days this blog will turn 1 year old!

When it started I was hard, cynical, and a little mean. I was a Christian, but basically in name only. God has changed so much. Today, I am so much softer, more open to the Spirit and so much more kind.

This year I have written posts about my marriage, about praise and worship, about service, books, other bloggers, purpose, and more. I have struggled and I have triumphed and you have been there reading along, sharing with me your time and your heart. I have to say "thank you" for that.

I would like to show my appreciation to one lucky reader in a very tangible way. I am going to do a drawing.

This cross is made of reclaimed wood and is a little over 11 inched tall. To enter the drawing all you have to do is  comment to this blog and answer this question: What is your favorite post of 2012 from this blog?

What impacted you the most? Did something making you laugh, or cry? Tell me about it.

It does not have to be long. It just has to be left in the next three days. The drawing will be random and it will be open to anyone who comments and answers the question.

On January 5, 2013 (This blogs 1 year anniversary!)  I will pick a name out of a hat (from those who replied and entered) and this lovely cross, which features the natural contours and flaws found in the wood. I fell in love with it when I saw it and knew that it would be for this exact thing: a gift to one of my blessed readers.

So, dig into those archives, and find your favorite post. Need help looking? Then use the "search This Blog" feature over on the right side of this page. Or stroll through the archives. Can't find it? That's okay. Just tell me about it.

If you share it on Facebook and tag me in it (Dayna Renee Hackett Bickham) then you can get entered a second time. Tweet it with the hashtag #TheAnniversaryGift and get another entry. That means you could have your name entered up to three times!

In Colossians 3:16 it says "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

I hope I have done that a bit for you this year and I hope as we move into 2013 I can be a difference maker and a world changer one heart at the time.

Be blessed, be a blessing and know that you are loved.


Join the Conversation

What was your favorite post from this blog in 2012? What did you like about it?

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