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A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: July 2012


Announcing Blogging Through the Book: The Gospel of Yes

I Have an Announcement! 

In the past I have partnered with Dana Pittman of with amazing results. When she brought this idea of "blogging through the book" to me and several other bloggers, I jumped at the chance to join in. 

Blogging through the book will be like a Book Club, Bible Study and Blogging trifecta. Every week we will read along together and then write through our own unique lens our thoughts on what we read. 

There will be great discussion questions, perspectives and opportunities to hit some very important areas of our walk with God that we may or may not have addressed in the past. 

I cannot wait to begin this "blogging through the Book" series and I hope you will join me! 

The book is worth the buy.  (It comes in Kindle and paperback versions)  You can get that here, just look on page 3 of my Discover Shopping page. (affiliate link) 

Every Wednesday for the next two months you will get more than a book review.  You will get a taste of what the book has to offer through the perspective of Discovering Your Purpose. Want to know more? Then hop over to another blogger's site and they will give you another perspective. 

This joint venture will hopefully help you follow along and join in on the discussion. Want to learn more about Mike Glenn? Then follow the author. 

We begin with The Gospel of Yes, a new book by pastor Mike Glenn. 

 Click the picture to check it out more closely!

His website: His Twitter Handle: @mikeglenn  

Participating Bloggers

Dana with
Heidi with
Katherine Harms with Living on Tilt
Pilar with Ordinary Servant

I hope you will join us tomorrow as we begin this wonderful journey and find out why this book has gotten such great reviews! If you are still not convinced, check out the short video reviews posted by WaterBrook Press here

Do you have a book you think would be great for this program? What is it? 

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Give Me a Break!

Photo Credit: Dayna Bickham

I am my harshest critic.

I often put myself down before anyone has the chance. I have a self-deprecating humor that is so sharp it would cut someone to the quick if ever directed toward anyone else.

I know God operates in grace and mercy toward me but I have none toward myself. This has to stop.

I cannot have a higher standard than my Father has for me. His ways are perfect. His law is the standard of holiness, but I was never meant to live by it.

The problem with the Law 

No one can live by the full law. That is why Jesus came. He was a spotless lamb: a perfect sacrifice for our sins. For once and all he paid the price of our short comings so we could have access to the Father like never before: a relationship as a son; as a daughter.

Living by the law leads to failure. Enough failings and we begin to feel worthless. This is why religion is so dangerous.

Religion says live a certain way to be accepted by God. Relationship that comes from grace says you are accepted by God and this causes you to live a certain way.

By Grace we are saved and by grace we should live. Otherwise we count what Jesus did for us as nothing. 

Unworthy but Not Worthless

We are not worthless. We are of great worth. God thought so when He gave the ultimate price of His son to win the prize of you and I. He counted the cost and was willing to pay it all. We are of high worth but unworthy.

So when I am hard on myself I am putting down the Father’s daughter: a child of the King. I have been redeemed and bought by the highest price. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

Perhaps you have struggled with self-worth. Have you made one joke too many at your own expense? Have you felt like there is no way you can fully commit to this Christianity thing because you can’t live by all the rules? Are you your harshest critic?

There is something I want to tell you. There is freedom, not oppression in Christ. There is grace and there is love and mercy. Jesus said the whole law (rules) can be sized up in two things: Love God and love people. 

That Means Me

I am people. I need to love myself too. I need to give “me” a break, and get out of my own way and let God do the work in me He created me for. We are here for a purpose, but we need to know one thing: unless grace works in us and through us we are like Don Quixote, tilting at windmills.

Living by a standard is not a bad thing, but living by grace is so much better.

Question: How can you give yourself a “break” today?

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The Secret to Living Your Purpose

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

The Truth Is

Living life with intention means making plans and setting goals. It means giving up the things you want to do so you can do the things that need to be done.

It means work.

We don’t like to hear that word: work.

We want our dreams to just appear as if by magic.

We have bought into the fairy dust and genie in a bottle mentality.

Don’t believe me? Then answer me this: how many times in your life have you daydreamed about what you would do if you won the lottery or inherited some large chunk of money?

Somewhere along the line we have all had the thoughts “if only”.

If Only…

If only I had a different job.

If only I had a husband.

If only I had more money.

If only I was born to a different family.

If only is dangerous. If only robs you of contentment. If only stops you from moving forward because it keeps you moving in circles.

We need to stop living in “If Only” Land and start living in this moment.

You have been placed in your environment for a reason. You are who you are for a reason. You are designed by a Master Maker for a purpose and you need to start living for Him in that purpose.

No More Ifs: Only NOWS!

One step at a time, one moment at a time, your future is made up of nows.

Say to yourself:

Now I will sit down and budget. Now I will chose to spend time in God’s word and pray. Now I will practice my calling by teaching a Sunday school class. Now I will _________ (fill in the blank).

Now is the time.

Hebrews 11 says “NOW faith is”. In this moment, in this time how are you living? With intention? Working toward a goal and a purpose? Living in the NOW? Walking in faith?

If you feel like you are stuck in the same rut as yesterday and you want to change it, start with NOW., because a rut is nothing but an open ended grave, going nowhere and waiting for you to give up and lie down.

In this moment you have the control. Make a list of things you know needs to be done and begin. Take a step forward in faith, even if you do not see where your foot may land. Like Indiana Jones (TM) you will find there is something there to catch you.

You can stop living in the if-onlys and begin to move forward toward your purpose. It takes a little work and a lot of faith, but I know that with God all things are possible.

Question: Do you use a check list or to do list to motivate yourself to get things done?

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Learn Like an Olympian

Olympian Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Discipline is tough.

It means doing the things you really do not like to do so you can later do the things you want to do.

Talking about finances, Dave Ramsey says “If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”

This is true about our life in general too.


I love to stay up. Naturally I am a night person. I can get into a routine that has me up until five a.m. and sleeping until 3 p.m. But I cannot live that way anymore.

God is dealing with me to get up at 5 a.m. and spend time with Him. Then write and do the work that I must do to live my dream later. This is pushing me to go to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. This is difficult for me. Yet I must learn to obey.

Learn Like an Olympian 

With the 2012 Olympic Games in London coming soon the example of an athlete is applicable.

· Athletes sacrifice in the present to gain reward in the future.

· Athletes are focused on their purpose.

· Athletes listen to and obey their coach.

· Athletes live a scheduled life.

· Athletes control their bodies and their minds.

· Athletes are not afraid of the hard work and a little sweat.

If we attack our lives like an athlete, then discipline becomes routine and will strengthen us in ways we did not foresee.

2 Timothy 2:4-7 says this:

“Nobody who serves in the military gets tied up with civilian matters, so that they can please the one who recruited them. Also in the same way, athletes don’t win unless they follow the rules. A hardworking farmer should get the first share of the crop. Think about what I’m saying; the Lord will give you understanding about everything.” (CEB)

What about you?

Are you challenged to do something you do not want to do or something you find difficult to do?

There is great benefit in heeding the Holy Spirit here.

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More Like Jesus

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Love in Action

He was close to the end of his ministry. He had rode in on a donkey colt and been glorified among the people. What lay ahead was his trial and then his death.

In a quiet moment alone with the ones he had grown to love as a human Jesus did something extraordinary. He showed them what it is to really serve.

The feet were culturally the lowliest part of a person. This is still true in the Middle East today. This is why it is so insulting to get a shoe thrown at you.

In Jesus’ time the one who was hired last in a house would wash the feet of the travelers or guests that came in to the house. Jesus did it himself: lovingly and quietly.

Jesus did this so we would know that service is the action behind love.

Service No One Can See

In Colossians 3:23 Paul writes “everything you do- do as until the Lord”. This scripture can be applied to many things, but right now I want to look at service. What are you “doing” in the kingdom?

It could be singing in church, or preaching, or teaching a Sunday school class, but what about the less glamorous jobs? Driving kids to camp on a 14 hour round trip or sitting in a back office filing, or cleaning the church toilets? These things are just as important as singing, as teaching, as preaching.

Yet we often get a bad attitude about doing these kinds of jobs.

Get Over Yourself

Servants serve. They work. Living an all-out, full tilt, anything for Jesus kind of life means you will get your hands dirty. You will have to lay aside your preferences and your ego and sit in the back room for a while.

“Those who love their lives will lose them, and those who hate their lives in this world will keep them forever. Whoever serves me must follow me. Wherever I am, there my servant will also be. My Father will honor whoever serves me.” John 12:25-26

A Servant’s Heart

 Nothing matters unless it is coupled with love and faithfulness. Jesus was fully Lord and fully man. As a man he had grown to love the 12. He had lived with, eaten with, laughed with, and cried with these men. He knew them.

He knew who would betray him and he knew who would serve him until death. He knew what was coming and he chose to lower himself and prove a point.

Love does.

Love does the things no one else wants to do. Love does the hard things. Love does the things no one sees. Love serves the ones who don’t deserve it and the ones who do. Love serves even when it has the time and even when the time is growing short.

Love does. Jesus did. So should we.

Preaching to the Choir

I do not say these things to judge you. I say them because I was challenged by this story. 

In my mind’s eye I saw my Jesus, tired from a long day, disrobe and take on the garments of the lowliest servant. Gather the water, and then walk to the first disciple.

Can you see it?

He washed their feet. Like a slave or a servant would do. 

Then Jesus, moving on from that first disciple, lifting the basin, dumping out the old water, getting new water for the next person did this 11 more times. Over and over he served the ones who were with him. He served and loved even when it was not convenient. Oh that I can be like Jesus!

I want to do as Jesus did. I want to serve others in love.

Over and over.

Whether they deserve it or not, whether they appreciate it or not, I want to serve like Jesus.

Even when I am tired and sore, even when it is hard, even when the day has been long and all I want to do is rest, I want to serve.

I want to be like Jesus.

Lord, let me never forget the moment I saw your heart. That quiet moment, at the end of the day, when you were tired and nearing the end. You washed their feet. You served. You loved. Give me your heart Father. Give me your servant’s heart.

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How Should We React to Tragedy?

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

One Reaction

In the wake of the tragedy of the theater massacre in Colorado, it can be so easy to fall into fear.

After the news Friday, my husband and I sat and talked about precautions theaters can make to keep people safer.

Immediately we jumped to problem solving. Why? Because senseless acts make us feel inadequate, powerless and small. In some small way we grasp at anything that can give us back power and make us feel more in control.

We complain. We plan. We blame others. We litigate.

We seek justice and we seek solace and sometimes we get that. Sometimes we get peace after a tragedy. 

Sometimes we are just left with questions. 

It is okay. 

It is okay to feel inadequate. It is okay to feel small. We are. Without God we are without any power. The ruler of this earth uses the twisted and broken to maim and kill where he can, and along the way his ultimate goal is to sow seeds of doubt. To get us to turn from God.

He wants us to doubt God's love. He wants us to doubt God's mercy and justness. He wants us to rail against God and blame Him for being distant.

The truth is God does love us. He is merciful and just and He is closer than we think. Tragedy, senseless or not, does not change that.

When bad things happen what should we do? 

Stand on the Promises

We should stand on every word God has said. His promises are yes and amen. We believed God before tragedy and we should believe after. God does not change. He is the same. The world changed. Circumstances happened. That is the world we live in.

God promises that in this world we will have trouble. Jesus said “I have overcome the world”.

Press into God's presence and let Him comfort your heart. I have put a song here by one of my favorite bands. Listen to it. God has a plan for everyone of us. He reveals Himself in unique and individual ways because we are each unique individuals. 

Promises Lyrics 
By Parachute Band

I have decided I believe it
The clouds cannot defeat the sun
The truth remains
Your words won’t fail
So I rise again believing every one

Our conversations I remember
And I hang on to every word
Cause I have faith you’ll light my way again

I believe your promises are yes and amen
I believe your promises are yes and amen
I know you said it once and I believed you then
So I still believe it

You showed the lowly to the prophet
Revealed the plan among the stars
You say the things that I can see

I believe your promises are yes and amen
I believe your promises are yes and amen
I know you said it once and I believed you then
So I still believe it

I want in, I want in
Oh I, I want in, I want in
I want in, I want in
Oh I, I want in, I want in

I believe your promises are yes and amen
I believe your promises are yes and amen
I know you said it once and I believed you then
So I still believe it 

How did you react to the news of the violence in Aurora?  Leave your comment below. 

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Sunday Reflection July 22, 2012

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Thank You

First thank you all for reading this. You have made this new chapter of my life so much fun. Writing alone in your room is a challenge. I do this because God asked me to, and I am so glad He allows me to see a little fruit now, in the form of my readers. 

Can it get better than this? 

I have some of the best readers in the world. recently a group of you (you know who you are) responded so above and beyond to The Post that Almost Wasn't. Some of you local readers took up a collection and gave me a gift card toward the purchase of a tablet. I am so excited. Now in less than a month my budget will allow me to complete that gift card amount and buy me a great tablet! I will be able to write anywhere, not just my room. 


This week the blog was viewed for the 15.000 time. I was so excited. In addition to that,  via their twitter handle @thehighcalling tweeted about my blog not once but twice. That is almost as cool as Justin Beiber tweeting out a 13 year old fan's name, and you happen to be the 13 year old fan. Huge Deal!

Every Perfect Gift

My Father has proved to me over and over this week that His love and grace fully encompass my life and every part is His to bless and grow. This is my testimony: my God is good! 

I hope this week you can spend some time reflecting on His goodness toward you. 

Question: What is one thing that made you stop and say, "thanks Lord" this week? 

Like what you see here? Sign up to receive my newsletter in your inbox. I won't sell your private info and you get quality messages delivered to you regularly so you can check them out in your own time! 

Enter your email now and hit Subscribe! 

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This is Dangerous!

Beaver Nelson Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Scared is a Good Thing 

I recently watched a video about Austin based musician, Beaver Nelson. He scrapped the traditional way of creating music and branched out in a way that has him a little scared.

This is good.

Beaver said "This is dangerous to me, it’s tricky and I'm not certain."

The Truth Is

We live in a comfortable state most of our lives. 

We rarely do the dangerous thing. Oh, we may jump out of a plane for recreation, we may climb a mountain and hang by our nails, but the truly dangerous thing, that thing that kills us every day THAT is the thing we rarely do.

Laying down our lives and taking up something bigger, something better, and something worth dying for? This is what our souls cry out for, but our minds cannot comprehend. So often, we don't do what we are meant to do.

We wait.

We look to see if anyone else will do it. If we happen upon someone who is laying it all on the line and living dangerously, one of two things happen. We either admire them or we attack and criticize them.

Beaver laid it all on the line, and is living out loud in front of the world. He is walking by faith. That uncertainty he feels is okay to feel. It is kind of like walking a high wire blindfolded and backwards. 

It feels dangerous.

Living our purpose can mean we go against the flow. We make waves when the waters would otherwise be calm. We step out when others are stepping back. This is what it means to live our purpose.

Fear of the unknown is understandable, but it cannot render you helpless. You cannot be relegated to the sidelines of life watching others fulfill their dreams. Step out in faith and live dangerously!

Have you ever felt uncertain about what you should do in life? Leave a comment below. 

Like what you see? Don't want to miss out on other great posts like this one? Then subscribe to our newsletter. You get an update right in your inbox and won't miss a thing! 

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How I Turned Failure into Success

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

I Felt Like a Failure 

I loved my job. Then I lost it all. 

I worked as a program director for a local charity, facilitated international travel for medical missions’ trips, wrote grant proposals and spoke to the public on a regular basis about our mission. 

When I was laid off four years ago, I thought I would be able to find another job immediately. After all, I was successful at what I did. I was a “people person” and I had great skills. 

Then a year passed and another and another. 


Slowly I became adrift in the unemployment pool and found myself waiting to be picked. I was waiting for a phone call that never came. 

My bills piled up and life kept happening. My kids still got sick and my husband desperately needed dental work done. I had no insurance and no money. I began to have a personal pity party on a pretty regular basis. What did that look like? Well, my faith in myself began to waiver and I began saying things like “Why do things never seem to work out for us?” 

The Danger of Self-Pity 

Words have power. Michael Hyatt just wrote about it and said, “My vocabulary impacts my attitude. Words have power. They impact others, of course, but they can also have an impact on us.” 

The danger of using words that place us as the victim is we become victims. 

Buffeted by every wind and wave of life, we no longer focus on navigating through the ocean of circumstances toward our goals. Instead, we drift along, taking on more and more water until we drown in the self-pity. 

We are more Than! 

In Romans it says “we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” 

We are more than our circumstances, we are more than our skills, we are more than our jobs, and we are more than conquerors! 

Your purpose is not wrapped up in what you do as a career. It is focused on following the plan of God for your life. That may or may not be found in the job you do from 9 to 5, but it is there to be found. 

God has a Plan for YOU! 

“I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the Lord; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope. When you call me and come and pray to me, I will listen to you. When you search for me, yes, search for me with all your heart, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 (CEB)

If I had not lost that job I never would have had the privilege of starting this blog. If I had not pressed into God and surrendered to Him, this idea would have never been downloaded into me. 

Now I get asked to write for others, and to read books before they even come out. I am meeting authors and publishers. I am growing exponentially. I have no idea where this may take me exactly, but I know I am in God’s plan for my life. 

I had to change the way I looked at my circumstances and I had to change my attitude. I changed my attitude by changing my words. Then, my life began to change, for the better. It can for you too! 

More than Platitudes 

There is no more Pity Party. There is a Purpose Party! 

Do not waiver. 

Do not give up. 

Press into God and press on! 

There is purpose in the bad as much as there is purpose in the good. 

Let go of the past and let God download something new into you! 

These are not just platitudes, they are Purpose Driven Attitudes! Let them propel you into your next success! 

Question: Do you struggle with negativity? Leave your answer and comments below. 

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The One Key to Finding Your Purpose

Photo Credit: Creative Commons
Want to find your purpose? Then start doing. 

There is a certain magic in doing. 

Grabbing a broom and sweeping, or picking up pen and writing, both are doing. 

One for me is a chore, one helps fulfill my purpose. 

How do I know this? I started doing and found out one made my house clean while the other sparked a fire in my heart. 

You may be sitting there thinking, “But I don’t write”. Good. Not everyone is a writer. 

You will find your purpose by doing something else. The key is doing.  

Where Does Talent Fit in? 

Are you good at finding a place for everything? Do you like things in small boxes, labeled and neatly stacked? You may be an organizer. 

Do you see an old piece of furniture and know, in your gut, that it can be re-purposed and made beautiful once again? You may be an interior designer. 

Do you love to swing a hammer and have a talent for building anything? Then your purpose may be church building. 

Your talents will always have something to do with your purpose, but your purpose is not based on your talents at all. Talents are tools. 

Purpose is a Mission. 

Missions stay the same. Missions always move in one direction and grow as we grow. Talents help accomplish the mission, but talents are not the be all and end all of who we are. 

Those God calls He equips, so stop worrying about whether or not you’re talented. 

Jeff Goins says “stop waiting to be picked”. I will go a step further. Stop waiting and get to work. 

Put your hand to the plow and do not look back. Start doing! 

It may be taking out the trash for the church, or keeping the nursery on Sunday mornings. It may be sitting in a file room organizing years of paperwork. It could be joining the praise and worship team or a Christian dance crew. 

To borrow Nike’s phrase: JUST DO IT! 

As you do the mundane things, the simple things, the fill in the blank things, then the heart’s desire things become clearer. They are the things you will think about with regularity. They are the thing that you see a need for more than any other. Your heart’s desire will make your pulse race and your palms sweat a little. 

It will be bigger than you. It may even be a little scary. 

I have been there. I know. 

However, you will never get those things unless you begin now! 

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.” Luke 16: 10

Before you are the next Natalie Grant, you will probably be in the church choir for a while. Before you are the next president, you may be on a local school board first. Do not despise small beginnings

Someone once told me this: God does not start you at the bottom and make you go up. That is the world’s way of doing things. God starts you off where you are meant to be (at the top) and then allows that place to grow outward as you are faithful. 

So take the trash out with a JOYFUL heart. Sweep the floors with pep in your step. This is only the beginning. There is more to come. 

“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

Just do something. Stop waiting for life to fall into your lap, and go out there and start doing! This is the key to finding your purpose! 

With complete honesty, can you name one thing you know you could be "doing" but were secretly waiting for someone else who is more qualified or willing? What is it? 

Share in the comments below! 

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Freedom, Fireworks and Jesus

I Surprised Myself

I am always trying to learn new things. On the fourth we celebrated America's Independence Day. 

I did not plan attending this fireworks display. I was actually dragging the family to a local grocery store to coupon...think Extreme Couponing but with less savings and less crazy- hey, I am a beginner! 

Anyway, the kids wanted to hang around for the fireworks and so, bug spray and soda in hand we found a great vantage point and waited for the show. 

One thing about fireworks, love them or hate them, they are pretty much the same every time. (Unless you live in San Diego and got the 20 second version this year!) 

So I wanted to put the last few minutes to music. Which I have NEVER done before. The thought of video makes me so nervous it is kind of gross. (Sweaty hands were involved--)

Anyway, this was the result. 

The Message Behind the Video

Real freedom shouldn't be celebrated one day a year, but everyday if you are in Christ! 

The freedom the Father provided is real and tangible. In Christ there is no fear. I am no longer afraid of what the world thinks. In Jesus I live, I breathe, I have my very being!

I will live an extraordinary existence because God created me to be extraordinary! In fact, He created me to live so opposite of the world and their ordinary ways that I look alien to them! 

In Christ the freedom I have prompts me to share personal stories so people will look at Him and to Him in ways they never have before. 

In Jesus there is freedom from sin, from pain, from heartache, from depression, from doubt, from oppression and from death! 

In Jesus there is power. There is power to become more than what you can be on your own! In Jesus there is more. 

So I made this video to remind you that there is more. More than what you know right now. More than you feel right now. More than you think.

Jesus is the "more" you need. 

Cry out to God and ask Him to make Himself real to you right now. God hears the cries of his creation. He longs to adopt you into the family. Call on Him in the name of Jesus and you will be saved. 

Now... yes, now, you have a reason to celebrate. Fireworks cannot compare to the celebration in heaven over you right now! You are FREE! 

What do you like most about your life in Jesus? 

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When God Answers

**This is a guest post by Heidi Kreider who is on a virtual book tour promoting her newly released book The Secret of Counting Gifts.**

The Spark of Compassion 

I sat with 4000 other women. She stood and spoke. She spoke with sincerity and authority.... authority that comes from first-hand experience. Her name was Lois and she spoke of her childhood in Africa. She called herself, "the poorest of the poor." She came to the conference to represent Compassion International. She had been a sponsored child herself. I've not forgotten her beautiful ebony skin and the way she sang "His Eye Is On The Sparrow." 

I came home from that conference changed. I shared Lois's story with my family. We prayed and hoped that through writing and selling a novel our family could reach children around the world who need food, education, medicine, and Jesus. I'm thrilled to say that eight months after that encounter with Lois The Secret of Counting Giftsand the accompanying The Secret of Counting Gifts Gratitude Journal are now available in Kindle and in paperback through 

Count Your Many Blessings One by One

While The Secret of Counting Gifts is a novel, I wrote it from my life experiences. I am a wife of 18 years and a mom of 3. I've spent the past fifteen years at home washing dishes, folding clean laundry, blogging, and teaching my children. My days are full of counting grace gifts with gratitude and asking for grace and forgiveness. I am blessed with rich friendships and have prayed more friends than I care to count through the battle of breast cancer. 

The Secret of Counting Gifts is a story about life, friendship, hardship, and gratitude. It is the story of Kris McClintock and Liz Bower and their friendship that spans twenty-eight years. Through marriage, babies, and infidelity they stand by each other and hold one another up... until breast cancer delivers the final blow. As she sits by Liz, Kris recounts the trials and blessings that made them who they are. She tells their story and recalls the many "gifts" they have been blessed with throughout the years. She shares of how Liz taught her to notice the gifts in each day and to live with a grateful heart. It is through the telling of their story that the secret of counting gifts is discovered.... 

Share the News 

I'm excited for the release of The Secret of Counting Gifts and The Secret of Counting Gifts Gratitude Journal. It is a direct answer to the prayers of my husband, my children, my friends, and myself. I look forward to seeing how God will use these books! Throughout this month, I am on a virtual book tour. You can see the stops along the way on my website While you are there, stop in and say "Hey!" and register for my giveaway... autographed copies of The Secret of Counting Gifts and The Secret of Counting Gifts Gratitude Journal in a hand-made basket. 

I'd love to hear your story. 

What have you prayed for? How has God answered? 

** Heidi Kreider is a wife, mother, author and friend. She blogs about life, grace, and gratitude at

If you have not checked out this book yet, click here for a look!

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Q & A Conclusion of the Prioritize Your Life Series

Today we wrap up the Prioritize Your Life series with a Question and Answer session. If you asked a question last week, you may find it here. If you didn't you may find one here that you identify with because I picked the most universal ones I could to answer. These questions are by some people I really admire as well. Check out their links and find out what they are all about! 

I hope you have enjoyed this series. If you have found something you do not agree with, or feel like I missed something important, then please join the conversation by leaving a comment below! I want to hear from you! 

Enjoy the Q & A below:

Tor Constantino Asked:

Dayna, I think one of the challenges with priorities is ranking them. If everything's a priority, then nothing really is. What recommendation do you have for those who have trouble separating true priorities from the pack?

(Tor Blogs at

Ranking is a challenge. If we look at priorities as a standard (read banner) over an area of our lives to which we always strive to move toward in our lives it will help us become less bogged down by the priority itself. Remember that Jesus said “…Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?” These are details. Later in the same chapter at the end of the discussion Jesus was having he said this: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, (A Standard) and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Remember that in life we cannot have nor do it all. Some things have to be less important than others. By definition a priority is more important because it is “given special attention”. Ultimately how many priorities you have is up to you. However, of you stop looking at priorities as a list of “to do’s” and more of a standard of living then it may take some of the pressure off.

I hope this helps.

Bobbie Cole Asked:

I like it that, in his Life Plan Book, Michael Hyatt puts himself second to God on his list of priorities. His rationale is that, if he doesn't look after himself, he cannot do any of the things that follow on his list of priorities, such as being there for his wife, bringing up his children and helping colleagues. Do you agree?

Bobbie, this is a great question! I have to start off by saying this: priorities are highly personal, and while some priorities (God, family, career, and ministry) might be the same, for many some priorities will not translate well.

I read Michael’s book and loved it. When I was trying to do all the exercises and list out my priorities exactly like he did do you know what happened? I kept forgetting the “myself” one. For me, it did not fit. I love the idea. After all, even God calls us vessels to be filled and to pour out, right?

I think the thing we have to do after we create our “list” of priorities is to live with them for a while and make adjustments as needed. I probably do need to make myself more of a priority more… I could use the exercise at least…lol. Recently, Luther Davis, who died just before his 90th birthday told someone “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of my body.”

Even such a great man, who I admired greatly had trouble with the “myself” part of his life.

Priorities are personal and the only person who will be able to set them and live by them is you.

Thanks for this question!

Rebecca Livermore Asked:

(Rebecca is genius in all things design. Check her out at )

How do you deal with the priorities that other people have for you? For example, spouses, children, employers, clients, friends -- all of them may have things they want you to do and feel you are letting them down if you don't live up to their priorities for you. Of course, I'm only talking about those who are key people in your life, not just random people. :)

This is a great question Rebecca! I have to say that outside pressures to be and do certain things are stressors that many of us have. Sometimes these stressors can be presented as priorities when really they are diversions. They divert our energy, our focus; even our hearts can be diverted.

This is one reason God says “guard your heart”.

I want to encourage you and anyone who identifies with this question to live in a place of peace. We will be buffeted by people, by storms, by critics, by family, and by strangers. This is life. But if we live with a standard (priority/banner) over an area of our life, it will block some of the attack (like a personal umbrella) and in times where we stray too far away from that standard (because we were diverted) then that standard (priority/banner) can act like a beacon to lead us back where we want to be.

I want you to stop for a second and think of your life as a dart board. You are the bull’s-eye. Immediately around you (the next circle) is your husband, then the next circle is your kids, then extended family, then work etc…

Now, do you have that image in your mind? Good, now answer this: What can you really control in the dart board? What do you really have the responsibility for and over?

The answer is YOU!

You can influence the other circles, but you are the only thing you really have control over. Set your standards (priorities) and share those with the people you care about. Let them know where you are in your heart and mind and do not waiver. They will respect you more l for taking a stand than for caving into their demands.

Heidi Kreider Asked:

(Heidi is a published author and blogs at

What do you do when you feel as if God is changing your priorities and your direction but not everyone agrees?

Heidi, first I would say Trust and Obey! Trust that if God is changing things for you, He will let your spouse know. He will bring your kids around. Yet ultimately (see dart board analogy above) you have to be the one who obeys.

Here is something that comes to mind about obedience. If you had two children and one of them never did his chore, but instead talked his sister into doing it every time, is your son really obeying? The chore got done, but did he truly obey you?

What if he told you that it was not a priority for him to take out the trash every night, it was more your deal than his? Would that fly?

What if he constantly told you “I’ll take out the trash when… (fill in the blank)”

God is a Father. We are his kids. Are you going to obey, or wait because you don’t think things are quite perfect yet?

Obedience is better. Trust is better. God sees more than you do. This is why Jesus asks us to die to ourselves. When we lay down “our” concerns, God takes them up.

Jesus is your advocate, so let the detractors complain. The one we need to please is God: no one else.

Dana Pittman

(Dana blogs at

My priority questions come from transitioning from where I am to where God is calling me. Where I am pays the bills? :) Where I am going is going to take a lot of time and effort. I'm sure some finances will come but for now they are nonexistent.

I want to direct you to Heidi’s question and answer and just add this: Step out in FAITH! If God is telling you to GO GO GO then what are you doing stuck at the starting line? Run your race girl. God gave it to you to RUN!

“If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of [a]the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him” James 1:5

Pilar Arsenec Asked:

(Pilar blogs at

I just find myself just scrambling to just get things done. My priorities become the demands of my job and my family. I have to be honest and say that I squeeze everything else in which includes time alone with God.

Pilar, we have to live with intention. Otherwise we react to life rather than move through life toward goals.

First I want to tell you I understand what you mean. There are days I just feel bombarded by everyone else and feel like there is nothing I can do to change it. But there is! Change comes first from within. Determine in yourself that you will live life with intention. Write down those priorities and goals. If you still feel like they are unobtainable then do what Michael Hyatt suggests in his book “Life Plan” and work backwards.

If you have a priority and it feels like there is no way for you to live up to it, and then ask yourself this question: What would have to be true to make this reality?

The answer to that question is will help you focus more, and trim some of the "fat" from your life that is diverting your attention from the things that matter.

No matter where you are right now though, you cannot live in condemnation! Stop beating yourself up for not being perfect. No one is except Jesus. We strive to be more like Him. Sometimes we fall short. That is what grace is for. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again.

One of my favorite things to say is “God’s got this!” and whatever your “this” is, I promise, He has it!


I hope you have liked this series and found value in it. Please, leave you questions and comments below to join the discussion! 

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The (in)Significant Other- Part 5 in the Prioritize Your Life Series

So somewhere in your list of priorities may or may not be your spouse. 

Biblically spouses should rank pretty high on the list. 

This is not always the case and that has lead to unhappy marriages, disenfranchised children and even divorce. 

As Christians we should have a leg up on the secular world when it comes to marriage, but some how we look the exact same

I believe it is because there is a fundamental lack of understanding of what a Godly marriage looks like and where our spouses should rank as priorities. 

Ephesians 5:21-31says: 

"Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.

Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." 

 There is so much to cover on this topic, but I want to concentrate on just a few things for this series. 

Mutual Submission

So many people read this passage and concentrate only on the "wives submit to your husbands" part. That is important, but do not forget the verse before it. 

"Submitting yourselves to one another in the fear (respectful submission) of the Lord." 

The man is the head in all things spiritual, and the wife should submit to his lead and guidance. (When the husband is unsaved and the wife is, the woman should submit in all other areas with Christ as her spiritual head until her husband is won for Christ and matured in his faith.)

But the responsibility of the man is so much higher than that of the woman. He is called to love his wife like Christ loves the church. 
What does that look like? 

  • Christ laid down his life for the church. 
  • Christ prays for the church
  • Christ provides for the church

Body Check

Have you ever seen a person who bathed every part of their body except for their arm? Or only eat every other day? 

No? Why not? 

Because bathing everything but an arm would  not make sense would it? Eating every other day would lead to malnutrition. 

In  marriage we are one before God. In the passage above Paul says  "
men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 

For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it"

When we place a priority on our spouses we let them know that first they are important and secondly they are worth our focus. 

Ignoring our spouses can lead to relational malnutrition and eventually to relationship starvation. 

The Check List

For every couple this may be a little different, but generally there are three areas that need to be healthy to maintain a fruitful and loving relationship. These may not be in the order you prefer, but then again this is about priorities, so feel free to prioritize them for yourself. 

  1. Time. Spend time with one another. Absence does not make the heart grow fonder, it makes it easier for the heart to wander. Go on dates. Close yourself off in a room on a Saturday morning and just enjoy laughing together. Rent a $1 movie from one of those machines on a Tuesday and snuggle up after the kids are down and have some popcorn. Time together is crucial. 
  2. Communication. Talk about  more than the bills, or what happened at work. Talk about dreams, talk about Jesus, talk about your mutual priorities and then support one another in those things. Most importantly, pray together and pray for one another! 
  3. Sex. Give to one another generously. Honor each other with your bodies. Keep your body JUST FOR YOUR SPOUSE and remember that God made sex to bond us together in love and respect. Sex that denigrates should not have a place in a Godly marriage. 

Paying attention to these things (placing a priority means focusing on something and then following through with actions) will help you  relationship thrive. 

The significance we place on one another is so important. Do not make your spouse feel less than because you forgot to make them a priority in your life. They deserve more than being relegated to the (in)Significant other. 

How do you make your spouse feel special? 

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