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A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose

A Year in the Spiritual Life... Discover Your Purpose: October 2012


The Truth is Out There

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

How it Began

The phone rang. I don't know why I picked it up. I was only six. I wasn't allowed to answer the phone, but everyone was outside, and I knew--somehow I just knew-- my mom was on the other side of that phone. It would be her.

It was. My parents had been divorced for a year, and this was the first call I had gotten from her. I tucked into myself a little. Afraid of getting caught on the phone, I whispered. When my Dad walked around the corner and saw me there- little hands gripping the phone for dear life- he asked me who it was on the line. Then it happened. 

~ I lied. 

It was the first lie I ever remember telling. He knew it was a lie the minute it left my lips. It began a pattern that followed me the rest of my life. One I still fight today. 

Over the years I have lied about many things. Some big, some small. Some lies were told to stay out of trouble, while others were told to fit in. Some lies are by omission. Some were told just because, and some were told so many times that they became my "back story"... a part of my history. Ingrained into me as if they were the truth. 


Big lies or small, they are all dangerous. Pervasive like a black crawling death lies creep in and begin to choke the life out of you. They box us in and weigh us down. They pull at us, and create gut wrenching fear and anxiety. They are the problem, not the solution. 

Big or small though, there are some lies that are more dangerous than others. The lies we tell others are bad. "No, you look great in that dress" is not always the truth, but the lies that are more dangerous than anything are the lies we tell ourselves. 

Those lies leave us debilitated and crippled. Those lies leave us feeling inadequate and isolated. Those lies, if exposed, would be seen for the insidious things they are: harbingers of death, because they come from the enemy: the father of all lies. 

"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44 ESV

Peeling Back the Onion 

There are ten lies I have told myself for a long time. I have believed them. Somehow, someway, they were told to me once and I claimed them as my own. They have become ingrained and I must carve them out. Over the next five posts I am going to cover these lies. Perhaps you will identify with some of them. Perhaps you will share with me something that I have not covered. 

I am not doing this to point out I am better or worse than anyone else. I am simply being honest, sharing my struggles, so you can see that life is hard, even when you are a Christian. 

I do not know where this will go. I am not trying to create doctrine or teach on lying. I am just going to share the nitty-gritty and hope that I can begin to overcome these lies and find freedom in the truth. 

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32

Join the Conversation

What is the first lie you can remember telling? 

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I Am Not Getting Paid to Say This: An Interview with Jeff Goins

Jeff Goins

The Initial Attraction

There have been many people in this world who have influenced me. Some, like teachers, family members, and friends I have met. Some, like Jeff Goins, I have not had the privilege of meeting. Yet somehow, he has impacted me on many levels: some personal and some professional. 

(He even gets a "thank you" in my upcoming book The Purpose of Chosen: Discovering You Are Meant for More and a quote in the book as well. -More on that later!) 

It may be his lopsided grin, his honest blue eyes, and  ginger hair that grabbed my attention (having tons of gingers in my family I have a fondness for them) but it was his honest and bold writing style that kept my attention. 

Jeff's had an amazing rise in the blogger world and as a writer his work is gaining notice in more ways than one. Jeff's first books were self-published works about writing and following your dreams. Since then he has put a ton of work in, and seemed to instinctively know how to build a platform of readers, engage an audience, and build a following. 

So publishers came knocking. (This is unheard of!) 

These are skills people pay to learn, and Jeff seemed to become adept simply by trying. This, along with his unique and genuine personal world view has launched him into the bloggosphere as a bit of a guru, and I am not too proud to say I usually pour over anything the man writes with ferocious zeal. 

Yep. I Am a Fan

When I learned Jeff wrote a new book called Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into your Comfortable Life, I was intrigued. This is a bit of a departure from his previous books, but not a departure from who Jeff is. 

By night, Jeff is a Superwriter (of graphic-novel-proportions: able to leap over large word counts in a single bound), and a diaper changing, bottle warming, Instagram snapping, new dad to boot. 

By day he is Communications Director at Adventures in Missions in Nashville, Tennessee. His heart for making a difference is certainly something that shaped the penning of his most recent book and one I want to share with you today. 

I am not getting paid to say these great things, though, I should think about sending Jeff my resume when and if he ever needs a publicist. I did not even receive a free copy of his book. I had to by it the old fashioned way: Amazon. (that is an affiliate link) But it was worth it in the end.  As a matter of fact, when Jeff asked for applications for his launch team, I applied and then did not make it. So when I asked for an interview I was pleasantly surprised to say the least when he said yes. 

Now, months later, I get to share with you what I learned by interviewing Jeff, and introduce to you a book that will turn your world upside down and inside out if you let it. 

The Interview

Dayna:  Jeff, your life has gone through some amazing changes in the last few years. A successful blog, a couple of great eBooks, a new son, and now your other "baby": Wrecked. How are you handling the ride? 

Jeff:  Well, Dayna, as you well know (since I promised a reply to you months ago) that it's a bit overwhelming. It's frankly hard to keep up with everything. Much to my own regret, I've had to make some sacrifices just to stay healthy.

My two main priorities are my family and what I consider my "art" — writing content that I can be proud of. Somewhere in there, I also try to put food on the table, pay the bills, and interact with my "tribe" of readers, but if I do all that at the expense of the first two priorities, I've failed. And it won't be long before everything else fails, too.
For me, it's important to have that solid foundation.

Dayna:  If someone asked me this question I would hate them, but I have to ask anyway: What makes Wrecked so special? Why is it different? 

Jeff:  I wrote Wrecked, because I couldn't find a book like it out there already. I have lots of friends and colleagues who have had paradigm-shifting experiences that have left them confused or paralyzed.
I wanted to write a book about what to do after you feel like your world has been turned upside-down — why that's a good thing and where to go from there.
I think there are a good number of books about changing the world and living for others, but most seem to err on the side of commitment or adventure. 
That is, you either feel like you're not doing enough or that you're doing too much and need to focus on just one thing.Wrecked is not answering that struggle but learning to live in the tension. It's where we all need to live more of our lives.

Dayna:  In that moment when we are "wrecked" lying on our backs waiting for the worst like the tortoise on the front of your book, what is the most important thing to remember in that moment? 

Jeff: This isn't about you. It's not about you lying on your back. It's about the sky that you can now see. So look up.

Dayna: I love that. "So look up."  How have you been able to filter the events in your life and use them to propel you forward? 

Jeff: A wise man once told me that God can only bless or redeem. In other words, there are two filters for the things that happen in our lives:
1. "This was supposed to happen. Be grateful for it."
2. "This wasn't supposed to happen, but good will come of it."
Saying "everything happens for a reason" is a bit Pollyanna for me. The truth is sometimes bad, terrible things happen. But our response to them is what shapes our character.

Dayna: I write about purpose with a particular singularity. It is my thing. How important do you think finding your purpose in life is? 

Jeff: Essential. And plenty of people don't.
This is something you will have to fight for, and without it, life will seem meaningless and empty. Because without a clear understanding of your calling, it is meaningless and empty.
If a person doesn't find her purpose, she will fill that longing we all have with anything — even harmful substances — that offers some temporary satisfaction or gratification.

Dayna:  How can people buy your book? 

Jeff: However they want. They can find out more, including a list of places where it's for sale here

Dayna:  I have heard you are offering an incentive to purchase your book. What is that about? 

Jeff: That's actually no longer available but people can pick up a free study guide at

Dayna: If you had to sum up in one sentence your purpose in this life, what would it be? 

Jeff: Make a difference by making a ruckus.

Dayna: What is one moment that stands out that has helped shape your purpose in life? 

Jeff: The one time my dad told me he wasn't proud of me (and he had every right to not be). It made me realize how much honor and integrity really matter to me. I never forgot that moment and have tried to make him proud ever since.

Dayna: What role does faith play in those "wrecked" moments of life for you? 

Jeff: Faith is essential. It's the hope of things to come — not in a "I hope it doesn't rain today" wishy-washy way, but in a steady "this too shall pass" way. My faith is the lens through which I view all things, and without it, I'm lost.

Join the Conversation: 

Do you have a question for Jeff? Leave a comment below. (Oh, and I bet some well wishes and new-dad advice would be welcome too!) 

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God's Lullaby: The Value of Rest

Sleeping Lion by Rennet Stowe on Flickr (creative commons)

I Have Been a Slacker

For the better part of this year I have written almost every day. This week I have written almost nothing. Mostly because I am ill. I am pretty sure I caught Mono from my youngest. 

It has left me feeling wiped. Sore, and achy I have had marathons of In Plain Sight on Hulu and naps that would rival the hibernation patterns of bears. I cannot say that I have enjoyed this experience: especially when I developed sores in my mouth that were so painful eating felt like chewing on glass shards. 

I am still battling through, but things seem to be getting better. I am writing this and that is definitely a step in the right direction. I have used the time to rest and that is something I want to talk with you about: rest. 

Ya Snooze Ya Win

Are you really resting? 

I wrote a series once about priorities, and one thing I did not really cover is rest. But rest is important. 

A CNN article states that successful people "do fine with five or six hours of sleep". When I am healthy and on a regular schedule, for me this is mostly true. There are times when I need more or less, but if I go to bed around eleven I am usually able to wake up by five and start my day. 

However, if I am up late I turn into a pumpkin, and the amount of sleep I need seems to grow exponentially. The lesson I apply from this is the pattern of sleep is important too. Getting eight hours may be what you need, but if you are not getting a good pattern of sleep in your life then your body will tell you.  

Now, what does this have to do with our walk with God? Well, rest isn't all about the physical. 

You can sleep 8, 12, even 16 hours and still not be rested. When our spirits are troubled, and our minds are consumed by worry, we do not get the rest we need. 

God Is Singing

“Don’t be afraid. Dear Zion, don’t despair. Your God is present among you, a strong Warrior there to save you. Happy to have you back, he’ll calm you with his love and delight you with his songs." Zephaniah 3:16-18 (The Message) 
When we come to God with our lives, and find rest in Him, he "calms us with His love"  and the King James version says He "sings over us". 

Some of my fondest memories of my girls are the sweet moments of their younger years when I could hold them and rock them to sleep as I sung over them. We are imperfect parents. HE is the perfect Father. He delights over us and sings over us. We can crawl into His arms and rest. 

Even God Rested. 

"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." Genesis 2:2 

Yep- I went there. I know that these days we work Monday through Friday and Saturdays are filled with football, soccer, gymnastics, and all other kinds of activities our kids do. But one day out of seven should be for rest. Sundays can be busy too, especially if you serve in some capacity, but you still need rest. 

Rest for the body and the spirit allows for us to get still. Practicing stillness is what allows us to hear God. 

"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth" Psalms 46:10
There once was a prophet named Elijah. He had done some pretty amazing things like call fire from heaven and bring the dead back to life. But even one of the greatest prophets got discouraged and tired.

When Elijah waited on God, when he got still and began to listen for God, then he heard Him. 

"And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:

And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?" 1 Kings 19:11-13

The Lost Watch 

I once heard this story and I will share it with you. 

Before there were refrigerators there were iceboxes. These boxes were literally filled with pieces of ice so large, they would last for months. Cut from huge frozen winter lakes or icebergs these blocks of ice would be shipped into towns and stored in a large dark building and sold to the townsfolk as they needed them. 
One day after such a shipment, a man who had been off-loading the ice realized sometime during all the work, he had lost his pocket watch. The watch his father had worn and his father before him. This heirloom was precious so the man began to search. He implored other men to help him. They looked until it was too dark to see. Saddened the man prepared to leave. 
Then a young boy, around nine years old said "I'll find your watch" and ventured into the building alone. Sure enough, about two minutes later he came out, pocket watch in hand. 
The men who had looked were perplexed and asked the boy how he found the watch so quickly when they had looked for the better part of an hour. 
He grinned and said, "It was easy. I just laid down on the floor, got still, and closed my eyes. Soon, I heard the tick tick of the watch. I reached out toward the sound, and there it was." 

God  wants us to get still. To listen so intently that we can hear Him. So we can reach out to Him and find Him. He has a song He wants to sing over us. We just need to crawl up into His lap, lay back against Him, breathe in His sweet presence, and rest in His lullaby of love. 


Like what you see? Then sign up for my newsletter and do not miss out on anything! If you do sign up you will receive a free copy of my children's book "The Gardener and the Sapling" just for signing up!  

Join the Conversation: 

What was your favorite lullaby as a kid? Did you have a favorite you sang to your kids? 

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Endless Love

There was a time I ran from God. It was a long dark wasted space of my life. Thank God for His faithfulness. He chased me and He is chasing you.

Today I want to share this video. It is of a song called You're Never Giving Up, by Johnathan David Helser. The spontaneous worship is real. This is what God feels for you. He loves you beyond measure. He waits for you. He will never give up on you.

You were made for a purpose. You were made for Him.

Break open your alabaster jar. Pour it out on God right now. Let your worship rise before our Father. Love on Him.

Let the chains fall. Let God's love wash you clean. He will not leave you. He will not forsake you. God is faithful.

Shut off all the other things. Turn your phone off for the next 11 minutes and 45 seconds.

There is no ceiling, no walls no floors on God's love. At the end of the song, enjoy the pure joy of musicians moved by the largeness and perfection of an endless God.

Be blessed.

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Completing the Armor of God

This will be the last entry in the Armor of God series.

Lets look at the scripture once again.

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."
Ephesians 6:10-18

Watch Your Head! 

We have to protect our minds from the enemy. The childhood song lyrics "O be careful little eyes what you see..." come to mind. I know how easy it is to get sucked into what passes for entertainment these days. I have an obsession with reality TV. I used to watch housewives, stars in rehab, and the "un"real world. Though I drew the line on all things jersey. 

I understand how easy it is to veg out in front of a TV and do nothing for a while. But too much of anything can be a bad thing, and when we are not paying attention because we are 'Vegging Out", the enemy can be laying the groundwork for his next attack. 

Our minds are battlegrounds in and of themselves. When we are under attack it is difficult to win unless we have the mind of Christ. 

2 Timothy 1:7 says this: 

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"

Anyone who rides horses can tell you this: where the head goes, the horse follows. We are no different. If Satan can win the battle for your mind, then your life will follow. Guard yourself. Put on the helmet of Salvation.

That Thing is Sharp! 

Brain surgery requires a sharp cutting tool. As Christians, we often need to allow God to perform surgery on our minds. We must cut away our old way of thinking and allow Him to teach us a new way to think.

How do we do this? By the Word of God, which is sharper than any two-edged sword.

Romans 12:2 says this: 

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

By reading and memorizing the Word of God it gets in us. It begins the work of renewing us from the inside out. It begins to correct us, instruct us, and show us the goodness of God. It tells us how God operated and helps us learn to recognize His Spirit at work in our lives.

The Christian Soldier is a Duel Sword Warrior

Okay, so I got a little video-game-geeky when I wrote that subtitle, but it is true nonetheless. We must be able to wield not only the Word of God, but also the Sword of the Spirit.

We have all met those Christians that can fire off in rapid succession scriptures to back up their point of view. This quick-fire method may be good going up against the enemy, but deadly when pointed in the direction of people.

This is why listening to the Spirit is so important. Sometimes, what we see as an opportunity to show how much scripture we know, is really an opportunity to just shut up and listen to someone. This gentle response allows the Spirit of God to work in the situation rather than us stumbling around randomly swinging hoping we do not cut too deeply.

This does not only apply to how we treat others, but also how we respond to ourselves. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in "being our best" that we forget to rest in the Grace of God. There is no condemnation (accusatory attitudes and prosecution of sin) in Christ: He paid the price for you already. The Spirit of God will correct you, but be careful you are not allowing your ideas of what God expects to begin to bludgeon you into  an emotional and spiritual basket case.

There will be times when God gets right to the meat of a matter, and then there are times when He woos us with His grace. We must learn to yield to both the Sword of God (BIBLE) and the Sword of the Spirit (Holy Spirit). Both are vital, and both can be mishandled.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

In any battle scenario, the lines of communication must remain open between the front lines and the command center. If these are interrupted, the battle will go sideways very quickly. It may still be won because training kicks in, but casualties will be high, and the overall objective of the battle may not be won.

Our relationships with God are no different. He is in Command. We are on the front lines. We must pray and have open communication as we face our enemy. We cannot see the whole battlefield. He can. He can direct us, and help us guard one another's flank to keep us from defeat!

Prayer allows for instantaneous change of heart and directions. Prayer allows for God to speak directly to us and give us the edge we need when we square off toe to toe with out enemy.

Post Battle Report and RNR

Do not forget, that after battles, soldiers need some Rest-n-relaxation (RNR). Get with God and get the download on how the battle went. Ask about what you could have done differently and then, just rest in His presence. Get some RNR. This time will help fuel you and prepare you for the next battlefield, and help you to train other soldiers that are watching your example. 

Join the Conversation: 
What part of the armor of God do you still have questions or comments on? Share with us, and join the conversation. 

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Making God Chuckle

My "new" Loaner tiller 

God is so funny. 

Don’t believe me? Then you should have listened to the conversation He and I had earlier. He has a great sense of humor. 

Thankfully He also has patience with me.

Recently I have been showered with some amazing little gifts from God.

1. Our fridge was too small and turned everything to ice, so God gave me a larger newer one for free.

2. Our washer and dryer decided to go out, we were given new ones, $150 to be paid when we can….whenever… how cool is that?

3. I love to garden, but had no tiller to prepare the soil. God gave me a loaner tiller for as long as I wanted one.

I am grateful for every single gift. I have celebrated God’s faithfulness at every turn. He is awesome the way He gives. Sometimes He is funny too.

While moving in the fridge my husband tore a hole in the flooring. Twice. The whole “hole” experience showed me I have some work to do on my attitude and on patience. When I mentioned it to my husband as I apologized for losing my temper, he was pleasantly surprised I noticed my issue. He had been living 18 years with my inability to stay calm and not blow my top when things went sideways. Poor guy. His patience and mercy are just two of the reasons why I love him.

The tiller, well the tiller is so big and powerful that I have no idea what I am going to do with it. I tried to use it today and I nearly ran into a wall, (it is self-propelled) and could not figure out how to make that thing do what I know it can. My small patch of garden is only 10’x11’ and the tiller from front to back is nearly five feet long! Making rows is harder than it sounds. For those of you who have no idea how to run a tiller, do not judge me and for those of you who do, I will take your help anytime.

I may not know how to handle it yet, but I will figure it out. Why? Because I want to be a faithful steward of what God gives me and I have plants coming that have to go into the ground ASAP!

But right now, as I stare a half done till job in my front garden, I feel like Adam when God found them in the garden after the fall. I want to pout and blame Him for my inability to do the job. I want to say “It’s the tiller you gave me Lord”

In reality, it is me. I am the issue. God is using tillers and refrigerators to show me more about myself and what I need to work on. I just wish I was quicker on the uptake so I could learn what I need to and move forward. 

So while I struggle to learn to use a tiller and whatever lesson there is here, I am sure there is a bit of chuckling in heaven going on as my Father looks on in amused fashion with "Oh Dayna...." on His lips. 

I have a long way to go, but patience is definitely on the list….

Has God ever used blessings to teach you a lesson?

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The Shield of Faith: More than a Crutch

Fulfilled by Faith

There is something satisfying about faith. 

Many have called faith or religion a "crutch". I am okay with this. Do you know why? Because we are weak. We need someone, something bigger than ourselves, to believe in. Yet faith is so much more than a crutch. 

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

There is No Comparison

Atheist believe in science. They look into microscopes at the creation and forget about the Creator. I choose to look to and lean on the Creator and enjoy, even marvel, at His creation. 

Some believe in power. They seek it like birds of prey. They live, breathe, hunt, for power. The problem is there is always a bigger bird out there, hunting them. 

Some people seek money. They lean and rely on money. Money that changes value depending on the market, the country, the time of year and even the person who has it. They seek money that they cannot spend in multiple lifetimes and wonder why they are never satisfied. 

Only God never changes. In Him our weakness is exchanged for His strength. There is power in His name. He owns cattle on a thousand hills, so money does not matter. He is the one in whom we rely. He is the one worthy of pursuit and worthy of our trust. 

This faith is what sustains us. It protects us. It shields us

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints"

Strong's Concordance says faith means this: belief, conviction, trust, holy fervor, and fidelity. Faith in God's ability to take care of you, of your circumstances, of your enemies, of your finances, of your loved ones, of your health, and anything else you may face makes the lies the enemy whispers and sometimes shouts suddenly become quiet. 

Even with the smallest faith, great things are possible. With trust that God is true, that He never changes, that His promises about you are YES AND AMEN, and that you have a purpose, then there is no attack that can stand. 

“Because you have little faith,” he said. “I assure you that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Go from here to there,’ and it will go. There will be nothing that you can’t do.” Matthew 17:20 CEB 

The Stand

One day I know that I will sit in heaven, surrounded by the ones that were before me, and I will hear their  stories of faith and they will wait with baited breath to hear mine. When miracles were just moments when faith in God was met by His promise in His timing.

When I will sit with men and women written about in Hebrews 11 and will hear their stories from the ones who lived it.

"What more can I say? I would run out of time if I told you about Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets. Through faith they conquered kingdoms, brought about justice, realized promises, shut the mouths of lions, put out raging fires, escaped from the edge of the sword, found strength in weakness, were mighty in war, and routed foreign armies." Hebrews 11:32-34 

For now, I will stand. I will stand against an enemy that is out to steal, kill and destroy. I will stand in the gap for the lost, and cry like the one in the desert saying:  "Call on the name of the Lord all you who want to be saved!"

I will stand with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Praying, believing for their miracles. I will believe for their financial, physical, spiritual, and emotional freedom. I will stand.

Even if circumstances say give up, I will stand. Even if the battle rages around me, I will stand. I will stand when I am tired, I will stand when others fall, and I will stand when I have done all I know to do, and have come to the end of my knowledge: I will stand.


Knowing that God is still God. Nothing can change that, and Faith in Him can change everything.

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Join the Conversation: 

Do you have a story about a moment when your faith met God's timing and promise? Share it in the comments below.

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Contest Winner and Book Announcement

Congratulations! Noel Zepeda was the fabulous illustrator who won the Cover Art Contest for my new upcoming book, The Purpose of Chosen. 

I have to say I LOVE it! 

There were other great entries too. two from my daughter and one from a colleague I met through Michael Hyatt's Platform Launch team. 

I fell in love with what each artist did on one level or another. 

I have gotten permission from each artist to include their submissions as illustrations in the book, so those will be used too! 

There is plenty to do still. I am waiting on the forward. ( A good friend and fellow author/blogger is writing it.) And I am waiting on a really big "get" from another author who I love. I am not going to tell you who in case he does not want to review the book, but I am excited that the "maybe" hanging in the air is even there. I could have heard "no" right away. Now I am only waiting on his "Yes". 

Think you know who it might be? LOL! 

I have to say that this process has taught me so much. Patience is not my strong suit and I started this off by flinging it out into the world with so many errors it was embarrassing. I have to take the time to thank Shannon Mulholland and Heidi Kreider for their edits and reviews and Tammy Helfrich for her recent review as well. 

I have to thank Dana Pittman for pushing me to do more. This isn't  "the" book, but I am on my way. 

Everyone of you who have encouraged me, loved on me, listened to me, let me cry on your shoulder, thank you. 

For you artists who took a chance and helped me with my dream while you are in pursuit of your own dream, thank you! 

Thank you all for going to A Year in the Spiritual Life's Facebook Page and voting! 

Most of all, thank you Father God, who wrote David's life story and encourages me to live mine. I cannot wait to see what You have in store next! 

Like What you see Here? 

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Live On Purpose

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Time Out

I want to take a break from talking about the Armor of God and just ask you a question.

What is it you need today?

Is it quiet alone time?

Time with your spouse?

Maybe it is a rousing game of Uno with your kids or a walk through the park to soak up the Fall sun and take in the leaves turning.

Take the time to do it. Breathe in some peace. Enjoy these moments.

This life is crazy busy. Sometimes you think a day will be a lazy-lay-around-the-house kind of day and you do not stop moving and going from the time you get up.

Sometimes you think everything is fine and then the phone rings.

That happened to a colleague of mine just the other day. Author and blogger, Mary DeMuth  was on a missions trip to Haiti when she got a call: her daughter was ill. Strangely ill.

Mary boarded a plane, defied customs by talking on her phone, cried, prayed, and now sits at her daughter's side at the children's hospital, waiting for answers. You can read more about it here.

The doctors have ruled out many things, but answers are not as easily available. Will you pray?

When Trouble Comes

As you go about your weekend, look around. No one is promised tomorrow. No one is promised life won't be messy or bumpy. As a matter of face, Jesus said this:

" I've said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.” John 16:33 (CEB)

In this moment, be grateful and in this moment be present. Live now, on purpose, with purpose your best life in Christ. When the storms of life gather, and they will, remember who you are rooted in, remember the good moments now. This is how we overcome the adversary: by faith in what Jesus did for us and by the WORD of our TESTIMONY. 

So be grateful now. Remember the good times now. If you are going through a hard time, begin to recall God's faithfulness and goodness in your life. If you are in a good place and things are at peace, then worship God and give thanks. This is a time you will need to remember later.

Join the Conversation: 

Will you take the time to pray for Mary and her family. Her daughter's name is Julia. And is there anything you want me to pray for? Leave it in the comments below.

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A Little Humility

I am simply floored by God's goodness and all of your generosity.

I am so humbled by the outpouring of support and the in-pouring of great art pieces submitted for the Cover Art Contest I am holding. The extended deadline ends today at noon. 

I have had some amazing pieces show up and these works are so inspiring that I want to encourage you to go and vote.

Voting starts today at 5 p.m. (CST) 

I will place all the art side by side for you to compare and contrast. You will be able to comment and choose which ones you like best. 

To vote, just go to my Facebook page: A Year in the Spiritual Life

The Book

I have to say that I am so excited about my new book, The Purpose of Chosen

This book is a look at who we are in Christ, what God can do in our lives if we let Him, and how to overcome those "giants" in our lives that stand between us and our dreams. 

It is not a long book. It won't cost much, and it will probably be released for sale on by the end of the month. My hope is that it will touch people in a visceral way and begin to challenge the way they see themselves and their lives in Christ. 

I also hope that you will buy one (or two, I won't stop you *smile*). 

The book will be available in paperback or in Kindle format. The cool thing about Amazon now is that you do not have to have an eReader to buy and read an eBook anymore. You can read it straight on your computer, your smartphone, or your tablet. No eReader required.  

Of course as soon as I know the "date" of the launch you will too....promise! 

More News

There are a lot of changes coming to A Year in the Spiritual Life soon. One of those changes will be a new website. 

That's right, we will be moving. I am not sure what the new domain name (website) will be, but I am stoked to know that soon you will be able to come to a site that has more to offer, looks more professional and has more flexibility. 

With everything that is going on I feel a little like a prize fighter that has taken one too many to the head: punch drunk. Yet I know my Father is faithful and He has me and this ministry through what is coming. 

Call To Action

Can you join me in praying for this endeavor? Can you go to the Facebook Page and vote for your choice for the cover of my new book? Once you go onto vote can you "share" the contest with your friends and family? 

I know I am asking a lot, but this is my first foray into publishing and I need all the help I can get. You are my faithful, and I know that your help is invaluable. 

Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for letting me speak into your lives. Thank you for joining me on this journey. 

Join the Conversation

I have asked you to do so much I want to help you too. How can I pray for you? 

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Preparing for a Fight

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Part 3 in The Armor of God Series

I've had my share of fights. 

I was notorious as a kid for fighting. I liked to say I never started them, but I always finished them. (Thanks Dad for instilling that ethic into me)

But fighting never really got me all the results I wanted. Instead of respect I got fear. Instead of friends I made enemies. There is a time to fight, and a time for peace. 

So when we fight, we need to know we are first on the winning side and second we need to get prepared well before the battle even comes to us. 

Get Plugged In 

We do not generate power on our own. Power must have a source. 

Our source is God. 

"Be strong in the Lord and the POWER of His might." 

We talked about the armor of God as an uniform, however there is more to the armor of God. Wearing it can save our very lives from attack. 

We do have an enemy. He roams about looking for the weak, unprepared, and over emotional to prey on. He devours these like a lion

But when we are strong in the Lord and we are prepared to face any adversary and our cares and emotions are rooted in our Supply, (the Father) then there is nothing that can harm you

So how do we prepare? We put on the armor. 

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;" 

How can we be prepared for any and every situation the enemy may throw at us, if we do not first know the Word, and second know how to apply it correctly? 

Get Your Feet Under You

Firm footing is everything in a fight. Lose your footing and the "Ground and pound" begins. Without firm footing braced by the gospel (good news of what God has done and will do in you) you will not be able to gain victory in a fight. 

A good fighter understands the importance of a firm stance. It gives you power and defense, mobility and stability, range and balance, and flexibility and security. 

A popular boxing tutorial says this: 

"Your foot placement is probably the most important aspect of your boxing stance. Where you place your feet on the ground determines your advantages and disadvantages in offense, defense, and mobility. Because everything starts from the ground, it is crucial that you learn proper foot positioning before any other aspects (hand placement) of boxing stance."

We are no different. We must have our feet properly grounded in the Word of God and in our own testimony so we can overcome anything the devil throws at us. 

If sickness comes, what scriptures do you know right now to battle the attack? If flood or fire comes, what words will you have that will bring peace and restoration: even protection? If persecution comes because you are God's, what scriptures would you know to overcome the pain and doubt that the persecution will likely bring? How will you bolster your faith? 

With every punch, will you be able to adapt, deflect, absorb, counter punch? Only if you have your feet firmly planted in the Word. 

In order to withstand, we must first be able to stand. That is why this part of the Armor of God is so crucial. It is the foundation of it all. 

Join the Conversation: 

Do you like to watch boxing? 

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Are You in Uniform Christian Soldier?

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

Right. Wrong. 

Righteousness. Sin. 

On our own, we will never naturally choose right over wrong every time. If we had been made this way, God would not have given the law. 

Just think about the ten commandments. They are a list of things we should choose. We should choose God, we should choose honor, we should choose others first. We should choose to love, we should choose life. We should choose integrity. 

Yet somehow, we always miss the mark. Missing it by a millimeter or missing it by a kilometer: it does not matter because we still miss it. 

On our own we were lost and God provided a way for us to return home: to Him. That way is Jesus. Through Jesus we have free access to the Father. Where once we were so wrong, in Christ we are made right once more.  

Now that we are His, we are in Christ we should live in that right standing with God. We should strive to live and breathe and have our being be an example of God's redeeming power to the world. 

Get in Uniform

One way we do this is by wearing the armor of God: the uniform of a Christian.  

Everyone recognizes a uniform. It sets the normal everyday citizen apart from the ones who are willing to lay down their lives for others. 

Think about that. 

By wearing the armor of God you are identified as a Christian (in Christ), and that identity tells the world you should be ready to lay your life down for them. 

The Breastplate (aka Kevlar) of Righteousness 

The Breastplate of Righteousness is like the Kevlar vest that police and soldiers use in the natural. It protects the vital inner being. The heart, the kidneys, the stomach, the liver, and the lungs are protected by a Kevlar vest. The Breastplate of Righteousness is similar. It protects us from the cruel potshots the world can take against us and the "bullets" the devil fires our way. 

It also is a visible sign that we have the protection of the Lord working in our lives. It is a sign to the world that the redeemed of the Lord have benefits they do not. It is not self righteousness that saves, but the righteousness of God in Christ. 

If you are trying to look like a "good" Christian by doing and saying all the "right things" but you are not letting the righteousness of God shine, then you are not in full uniform. The world knows the difference. They should see God's righteousness before they ever see you. 

I know that I have not lived up to this all the time. I have been caught out of uniform many times. I have had to repent and clothe myself once again. 

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;"  Ephesians 6: 10-18 

The War is Won 

God accomplished the ultimate victory on the cross. Christ said "It is finished." and it is. We are simply the post war occupying force. We are here to remind people that their freedom was provided for. We are here to stand in the gap for them when the enemy crosses the battle lines and attacks unprovoked. We are here to  point the way to freedom for those people who have run back to oppression because that was all they ever knew. They will not know who is who if we are not in uniform. 

Come on Christian Soldier, you are more than just a fighter, you are a beacon of freedom, you are a sign that God still loves, still cares, and still wants to win the hearts of man. We do not point the way by shouting, by picketing  or by bashing, but we point the way by standing, loving, and praying. 

Join the Conversation

When you see a soldier in uniform, how does that make you feel? 

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The Truth of the Matter

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There will be moments as you pursue the call of God on your life you will face discouragement. When you will feel battered and bruised. It is hard to face everyday life when you feel this way, much less a full scale battle against the enemy. 

Sometimes when we feel like we have reached the end of us, and our know-how, we do not know where to turn. We have stood for as long as we have known how. Now, how do we go on? 

You will need hope. 

I have been there more times than I care to recount. I have doubted my calling, I have doubted my talent, I have doubted my purpose. I have wondered if what I do matters, or reaches anyone. I have doubted I have what it takes to fulfill the dreams God has placed in me. This is the enemy. He is a liar. 

Doubt is this: actively listening to the lies of the devil rather than standing on the promises of God. Listening to these lies keeps us held back from fully engaging in God's plan for us. We get weighed down in the doubt and do not fully trust the Lord. We need to shake off the lies and begin to grab a hold of what God says so we can be what He has called us to be. 

The Bible has stuff to say about doubt, but I rather talk about the tools God gives us to withstand the assaults of lies that cause doubt in the first place: the armor of God. 

"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints."  Ephesians 6:10-18

We cannot do this life on our own. We are too weak. God wants us to find our strength in Him. His grace is sufficient for our every need. 

Faith is the opposite of doubt. But blind faith will not last. Your faith must be rooted in something. It must be attached at a centralized location: like the belt of truth. 

The Truth 

The Bible says without knowledge my people parish. It also says "you shall KNOW the truth and the truth shall set you free". Since faith comes by hearing the word of God (the Truth) we need to get the words of God into us. 

There is so much freedom in knowing what God says about any given situation or circumstance. He is the ultimate authority and when we know what He has to say about something, we can fully trust and believe. When we know the truth of a matter, we recognize lies for what they are, and we do not get snared by the little traps those lies set up in our lives. 

When I was feeling conflicted over something this weekend I wrote a small note about who my God is and what He says/does about/for me. I started off thanking Him for who He is and all He has done. Then I began to remind myself of what the word of God says about me. This is what I wrote: 

"Thank the Lord for His mercy, His kindnesses, and His grace. Thank the Lord for His freedom, His love and His never ending song He sings over us. My heart is full of His love. I am in awe. His wonders fill my sight and His lullaby fills my night. My Father loves, like none before. He loves beyond measure. Come, let us adore Him. Let us bow and kneel before our God. Our Maker. The Maker of Heaven, the maker of hell. The Mighty God who stretched forth His hand and when I turned to Him He breathed new life and spoke new life into me. I am alive in Him. My freedom's song is I belong. I belong, I belong, I belong to HIM!
Oh Lord you are faithful. Your mercies are new everyday. You O Lord are my rock and my firm foundation. On you I will stand. I will not look to myself, for I am nothing. In man I know I cannot rely. On you I lean all my understanding, to you I run and find shelter and under your wings I am free from the storm. You are my peace, my rock, and my strong tower. Salvation comes from the Lord. You are endless, your ways are perfect. You will keep me from harm and my feet will not stumble in your Way. I am full. I am well. I am free. I belong! Thank you Lord that you are my Father. You are my song. You are my everything. To you I belong." 
This note is based on many scriptures I have memorized over the years. I basically quoted the truth to myself to build my faith and remind me of whose child I am. This is girding my loins (innermost being) with the belt of truth. This reminds me who I am: what I was made for: fellowship with my Father. I belong to Him. 

By reminding myself of the truth, I am more deeply rooted in my faith. I am shoring up the foundation of who I am in Christ. Now the storms of life can come and I will not be moved. Now the devils lies will be recognized for what they are, because I am firmly rooted in Christ's truth. 

Like the song says "On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand." 


Like what you read here? More great content is available several times a week, but I understand how busy you are. That is why I offer a free newsletter that sends you an email of the same great content straight to your inbox! You won't have to worry about missing a thing. I will never share your information with anyone, and if you sign up today, you can get a free copy of my children's eBook The Gardener and the Sapling: A Modern Parable. Click the link below and subscribe now!

Join the Conversation: 

Do you find it easy or difficult to memorize scripture? 

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How to Win the What-If Game

The What-If Bully

There are moments when we all struggle with the "what ifs" in life. We wrestle with them like bad WWE characters and wonder will I ever truly defeat this doubt? 

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

That is what the "what ifs" are: workout sessions with doubt. Doubt comes down to this one thing: a lack of faith. Rather than building our faith "muscles" we are letting doubt grow larger: like a body builder on steroids. 

"What if I got that job, would I then be able to pay all my bills?" 

"What if he loved me? Would that make me happy?"

"What if I write a blog, or a book and no one reads it? Will that mean I am a failure?" 

See, we all play the what if game. 

We let doubt pull us into a wrestling match, and soon we are pinned to the mat wondering why our lives never seem to go anywhere? Sometimes the pin comes so fast we are left dazed and wondering "what just happened?" 


We have to stand up. If we can't stand on our own right away, we have to tag team. Call a friend who will listen to you just long enough to get angry at the enemy, then let them pray for you and encourage you. Don't have a friend like that? Then call pastor or get into see a Christian counselor. Better yet, go to the Counselor, the Holy Spirit and let Him tap in. 

When God goes to work on your behalf, watch out! 

Now it is ON! 

We are made to be conquerors and the Bible is clear: 

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."   Ephesians 6:11-13 

We need to learn to put on the armor, piece by piece so we can begin to understand who we really are. We are the righteousness of God in Christ. We are saved by grace through faith and we know the truth- that most freeing truth- that once we are bought by the blood of the Lamb of God, there is nothing that could rip us out of the hand of our Redeemer unless we let it. 

So when you feel the "what ifs" begin to crowd in, circling like a big bald guy with a bad tattoo, then you need to remind him who he is facing. 

Like David you tell your enemy what lies in store for him. Come in the name of the Lord, in faith believing, 
"that the Lord saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s" 
and He will deliver you out of your enemies clutches. 

I will be sharing in the coming week more on the Armor of God and I hope you will begin to recognize that the enemy of doubt is a defeated foe and you are more than the sum of your parts when you belong to God!  


Like what you read here? More great content is available several times a week, but I understand how busy you are. That is why I offer a free newsletter that sends you an email of the same great content straight to your inbox! You won't have to worry about missing a thing. I will never share your information with anyone, and if you sign up today, you can get a free copy of my children's eBook The Gardener and the Sapling: A Modern Parable. Click the link below and subscribe now!

Join the Conversation: 

Do you need someone to encourage you? Let us know by leaving a comment below, or email me at and I will do my best to help you face your foe equipped so you can get ready to win your battle. 

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